
在语境中教语言 英文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

在语境中教语言 英文
  • (美)AliceOmaggioHadley著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • ISBN:9787560036069
  • 出版时间:2009
  • 标注页数:498页
  • 文件大小:279MB
  • 文件页数:524页
  • 主题词:英语-语言教学-教学研究


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1 On Knowing a Language1


Defining Language Proficiency2

Proficiency and Language Acquisition Theory19

Some Research Findings about Oral Proficiency21

Issues in Language Proficiency Assessment:Caveats,Clarifications,and New Directions27

Defining the Content of Instruction:The Standards for Foreign Language Learning34

Summary:On Knowing a Language41

Activities for Review and Discussion42


2 On Learning a Language51


Exploring Theories of Language Learning52

The Role of Individual Learner Factors in Second-Language Learning75

Relating Theory to Practice:Some Considerations77

Summary:On Learning a Language80

Activities for Review and Discussion80


3 On Teaching a Language86

Orienting Instruction toward Proficiency89

The Proficiency Orientation of Existing Methodologies:A Preliminary Appraisal105

Three "Traditional" Methods106

Reactions to Audiolingualism:Two Mentalist Perspectives113

A Functional Approach:Communicative Language Teaching116

Modern Adaptations of the Direct Method118

Humanistic Approaches to Language Teaching123

Summary:On Teaching a Language129

Activities for Review and Discussion130


4 The Role of Context in Comprehension and Learning139

The Importance of Context and Background Knowledge in the Comprehension Process:Some Theoretical Considerations144

Research on the Role of Context in Comprehension149

The Role of Computers in Providing Richer Contexts for Language Learning163

Integrating Language and Content:Immersion and Content-Based Instruction164

Summary:The Role of Context in Comprehension and Learning169

Activities for Review and Discussion169


5 A Proficiency-Oriented Approach to Listening and Reading176

A Rationale for Teaching Listening and Reading176

Similarities in Listening and Reading179

Differences between Spoken and Written Discourse180

Integrating Listening,Reading,and the Productive Skills:The Vision of the Standards for Foreign Language Learning182

Teaching Listening Comprehension184

Sample Formats for Listening Comprehension192

Teaching Reading Comprehension203

Sample Formats for Reading Comprehension210

Summary:A Proficiency-Oriented Approach to Listening and Reading225

Activities for Review and Discussion225


6 Developing Oral Proficiency230

The Nature of Interlanguage232

Planning Instruction for the Development of Oral Proficiency235

Responding to the Learner258

Summary:Developing Oral Proficiency271

Activities for Review and Discussion272


7 Becoming Proficient in Writing280

Approaches to Teaching Writing at the Lower Levels of Proficiency283

Expressive Writing at the Intermediate and Advanced Levels:Approaches to Teaching the Composing Process310

Summary:Becoming Proficient in Writing337

Activities for Review and Discussion338


8 Teaching for Cultural Understanding345


Problems in the Teaching of Culture346

Definitions,Models,Inventories,and Frameworks:Capturing the Essence of"Culture"349

Strategies for Teaching Culture358

Summary:Teaching for Cultural Understanding384

Activities for Review and Discussion384


9 Classroom Testing390


The Case for Hybrid Classroom Tests396

Characteristics of Test Items and Item Types398

Listening Comprehension Formats401

Reading Comprehension Formats408

Writing and Mixed-Skills Formats414

Guidelines for Creating Contextualized Paper-and-Pencil Tests429

Testing Oral Skills431

Summary:Classroom Testing447


Activities for Review and Discussion451


EPilogue Planning Instruction for the Proficiency-Oriented Classroom456

Setting Goals for a Proficiency-Oriented Program457

Guidelines for Planning Lessons462

Increasing Focus on Students' Interests464

In Conclusion465

Activities for Review and Discussion466


Appendix A ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines—Speaking Revised 1999469

Appendix B Sample Foreign Language Media Evaluation Criteria477

Appendix C Samples of Error Coding Procedures for Written Work485

Text Permissions489

