

  • 段坤昌,王振宇,李庆生主编;王忠诚主审;曹德寿,王鲁建,孟丽荣副主编 著
  • 出版社: 沈阳:辽宁科学技术出版社
  • ISBN:9787538190243
  • 出版时间:2015
  • 标注页数:248页
  • 文件大小:134MB
  • 文件页数:262页
  • 主题词:头部-局部解剖学-图谱;颈-局部解剖学-图谱


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The colour atlas of the applied anatomy of the skull,the brain and the neck2


1.颅(前面观)The skull. Anterior aspect2

2.颅(外侧面观)The skull. Lateral aspect2

3.颅(上面观)The skull. Superior aspect3

4.颅(后面观)The skull. Posterior aspect3

5.颅底(外面观)The base of the skull. External aspect4

6.颅底(内面观)The base of the skull. Internal aspect5

7.颅盖(内面观)The calvaria. Internal aspect6

8.顶骨剖面The sections of the parietal bone6

9.颅冠状切面(经第二磨牙)The coronal section of the skull. Through the second molar7

10.颅(正中矢状切面)The skull. Median sagittal section7

11.眶(前面观)The orbit. Anterior aspect8

12.骨性鼻泪管(冠状切面)The bony nasolacrimal duct. Coronal section8

13.翼区骨缝类型The types of the bony suture of the pterygoid region9

14.胎儿透明颅骨(前面观)The transparent skull of the fetus. Anterior aspect10

15.胎儿透明颅骨(外侧面观)The transparent skull of the fetus. Lateral aspect10

16.婴儿颅(前面观)The skull of the infant. Anterior aspect11

17.婴儿颅(外侧面观)The skull of the infant. Lateral aspect11

18.婴儿颅(上面观)The skull of the infant. Superior aspect12

19.婴儿颅(后面观)The skull of the infant. Posterior aspect12

20.小儿脑积水颅(前面观)The infantile hydrocephalic skull. Anterior aspect13

21.小儿脑积水颅(外侧面观)The infantile hydrocephalic skull. Lateral aspect13

22.小儿脑积水颅(上面观)The infantile hydrocephalic skull. Superior aspect14

23.小儿脑积水颅(下面观)The infantile hydrocephalic skull. Inferior aspect14

24.新生儿颅底(外面观)The base of the skull of the new-born. External aspect15

25.新生儿额骨(前面观)The frontal bone of the new-born. Anterior aspect16

26.新生儿颧骨(外面观)The zygomatic bone of the new-born. External aspect16

27.新生儿枕骨(外面观)The occipital bone of the new-born. External aspect16

28.新生儿蝶骨(上面观)The sphenoid bone of the new-born. Superior aspect17

29.新生儿蝶骨(下面观)The sphenoid bone of the new-born. Inferior aspect17

30.新生儿蝶骨(后面观)The sphenoid bone of the new-born. Posterior aspect17

31.颅骨骨折愈合The union of the fracture of the skull18

32.额骨(前面观)The frontal bone. Anterior aspect18

33.额骨(内面观)The frontal bone. Internal aspect19

34.额骨(下面观)The frontal bone. Inferior aspect19

35.二分额骨The dichotomy frontal bones20

36.枕骨(内面观)The occipital bone. Internal aspect20

37.枕骨(外面观)The occipital bone. External aspect21

38.板障管The diploic canals21

39.颞骨(外面观)The temporal bone. External aspect22

40.颞骨(内面观)The temporal bone. Internal aspect22

41.颞骨(上面观)The temporal bone. Superior aspect23

42.颞骨(下面观)The temporal bone. Inferior aspect23

43.筛骨(上面观)The ethmoid bone. Superior aspect24

44.筛骨(下面观)The ethmoid bone. Inferior aspect24

45.筛骨(前面观)The ethmoid bone. Anterior aspect25

46.顶间骨(上面观)The interparietal bone. Superior aspect25

47.顶骨(外面观)The parietal bone. External aspect26

48.顶骨(内面观)The parietal bone. Internal aspect26

49.蝶骨(上面观)The sphenoid bone. Superior aspect27

50.蝶骨(后面观)The sphenoid bone. Posterior aspect27

51.蝶骨(前面观)The sphenoid bone. Anterior aspect28

52.鼻骨(前面观)The nasal bones. Anterior aspect28

53.鼻骨(后面观)The nasal bones. Posterior aspect28

54.泪骨(外侧面观)The lacrimal bone. Lateral aspect29

55.泪骨(内侧面观)The lacrimal bone. Medial aspect29

56.下鼻甲(内侧面观)The inferior nasal concha. Medial aspect29

57.下鼻甲(外侧面观)The inferior nasal concha. Lateral aspect29

58.腭骨(后面观)The palatine bone. Posterior aspect30

59.腭骨(内侧面观)The palatine bone. Medial aspect30

60.腭骨(外侧面观)The palatine bone. Lateral aspect31

61.颧骨(外侧面观)The zygomatic bone. Lateral aspect31

62.颧骨(内侧面观)The zygomatic bone. Medial aspect31

63.犁骨(外侧面观)The vomer. Lateral aspect32

64.犁骨(上面观)The vomer. Superior aspect32

65.上颌骨(前面观)The maxilla. Anterior aspect32

66.上颌骨(内侧面观)The maxilla. Medial aspect33

67.上颌骨(后面观)The maxilla. Posterior aspect33

68.上颌骨(下面观)The maxilla. Inferior aspect34

69.下颌骨(外侧面观)The mandible. Lateral aspect34

70.右侧下颌支(上内侧面观)The right ramus of the mandible. Superomedial aspect35

71.下颌骨(前面观)The mandible. Anterior aspect35

72.颞下颌关节(矢状切面)The temporomandibular joint. Sagittal section36

73.颞下颌关节(内侧面观)The temporomandibular joint. Medial aspect36


74.脑底面(1)The basal surface of the brain(1)38

75.脑底面(2)The basal surface of the brain(2)39

76.脑外侧面The lateral surface of the brain40

77.大脑半球(外侧面观)The cerebral hemisphere. Lateral aspect40

78.脑背侧面The dorsal surface of the brain41

79.脑后面The posterior surface of the brain42

80.脑内侧面(1)The medial surface of the brain(1)42

81.脑内侧面(2)The medial surface of the brain(2)43

82.岛叶The insular lobe43

83.大脑皮质诸中枢(1)The centers of the cerebral cortex(1)44

84.大脑皮质诸中枢(2)The centers of the cerebral cortex(2)44

85.大脑皮质诸中枢(3)The centers of the cerebral cortex(3)45

86.垂体The hypophysis45

87.间脑背面(1)The dorsal surface of the diencephalon(1)46

88.间脑背面(2)The dorsal surface of the diencephalon(2)46

89.间脑内侧面The medial surface of the diencephalon47

90.松果体囊肿The cystis of the pineal body47

91.胼胝体(上面观1)The corpus callosum. Superior aspect(1)48

92.胼胝体(上面观2)The corpus callosum. Superior aspect(2)49

93.穹窿和穹窿连合(上面观)The fornix and the commissure of the fornix. Superior aspect50

94.脑的穹窿(下面观)The fornix of the brain. Inferior aspect50

95.海马旁回与海马结构切面The section through the parahippocampal gyrus and the hippocampal formation51

96.穹窿和海马The fornix and the hippocampus52

97.穹窿的位置和透明隔的大小The position of the fornix and the measurements of the septum pellucidum52

98.扣带The cingulum53

99.扣带与胼胝体的辐射纤维The fibers of the cingulum and the radiation of the corpus callosum53

100.大脑半球内联络纤维(1)The association fibers in the cerebral hemisphere(1)54

101.大脑半球内联络纤维(2)The association fibers in the cerebral hemisphere(2)54

102.大脑半球内联络纤维(3)The association fibers in the cerebral hemisphere(3)55

103.内囊及辐射冠The internal capsule and the corona radiata55

104.锥体束(1)The pyramidal tract(1)56

105.锥体束(2)The pyramidal tract(2)56

106.锥体交叉The decussation of the pyramid57

107.基底核(内侧面观)The basal nuclei. Medial aspect57

108.基底核(外侧面观1)The basal nuclei. Lateral aspect(1)58

109.基底核(外侧面观2)The basal nuclei. Lateral aspect(2)58

110.视束和视辐射The optic tract and the optic radiation59

111.丘脑的纤维联系(1)The fibrous connection of the thalamus(1)60

112.丘脑的纤维联系(2)The fibrous connection of the thalamus(2)60

113.丘脑的纤维联系(3)The fibrous connection of the thalamus(3)61

114.脑的冠状切面The coronal section of the brain61

115.脑的水平切面The horizontal section of the brain62

116.小脑(背面观)The cerebellum. Dorsal aspect63

117.小脑(腹面观)The cerebellum. Ventral aspect63

118.小脑(前面观)The cerebellum. Anterior aspect64

119.小脑脚(1)The peduncles of the cerebellum(1)64

120.小脑脚(2)The peduncles of the cerebellum(2)65

121.小脑脚(3)The peduncles of the cerebellum(3)65

122.小脑脚(4)The peduncles of the cerebellum(4)66

123.小脑齿状核和小脑上脚The dentate nucleus of the cerebellum and the superior cerebellar peduncle66

124.小脑水平切面The horizontal section of the cerebellum67

125.双侧桥小脑角听神经瘤The acoustic neuroma of the bilateral cerebellopontine angle67

126.脑干(腹面观)The brain stem. Ventral aspect68

127.脑干(背面观)The brain stem. Dorsal aspect69

128.面神经在脑内的行路The pathway of the facial nerve in the brain70

129.内、外侧丘系The medial and the lateral lemniscus70

130.侧脑室(上面观)The lateral ventricle. Supcrior aspect71

131.侧脑室和第三脑室血管The blood vessels in the lateral and the third ventricles72

132.侧脑室(外侧面观)The lateral ventricle. Lateral aspect72

133.脑室铸型(外侧面观)The cast of the ventricles of the brain. Lateral aspect73

134.脑室铸型(后面观)The cast of the ventricles of the brain. Posterior aspect73

135.脑积水(上面观)The hydrocephalus. Superior aspect74

136.脑出血(上面观)The cerebral hemorrhage. Superior aspect74

137.第四脑室脉络组织和脉络丛The tela choroidea and the choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle75

138.第四脑室The fourth ventricle75

139.寄生于第四脑室内的囊虫The bladder worm in the fourth ventricle76

140.硬脑膜和脑膜中动脉(上面观)The cerebral dura mater and the middle meningeal artery. Superior aspect77

141.硬脑膜和脑膜中动脉(外侧面观)The cerebral dura mater and the middle meningeal artery.Lateral aspect77

142.小儿硬脑膜的血管The blood vessels of the cerebral dura mater of the infant78

143.颅前窝动脉The arteries of the anterior cranial fossa78

144.脑神经根和脑动脉的毗邻关系The adjacent relations between the cerebral nervous roots and the cerebral arteries79

145.颅后窝血管The blood vessels of the posterior cranial fossa80

146.大脑镰和小脑幕The cerebral falx and the tentorium of the cerebellum80

147.大脑镰的形态The shape of the cerebral falx81

148.大脑镰自然缺口的类型The types of the natural bleach of the cerebral falx82

149.硬脑膜和硬脑膜静脉窦(1)The cerebral dura mater and the venous sinuses of the dura mater(1)83

150.硬脑膜和硬脑膜静脉窦(2)The cerebral dura mater and the venous sinuses of the dura mater(2)84

151.鞍膈周围结构The structures around the diaphragma sellae85

152.海绵窦及周围结构The cavernous sinus and the structures around the cavernous sinus85

153.海绵窦(外侧面观1)The cavernous sinus. Lateral aspect(1)86

154.海绵窦(外侧面观2)The cavernous sinus. Lateral aspect(2)86

155.海绵窦(外侧面观3)The cavernous sinus. Lateral aspect(3)87

156.海绵窦(外侧面观4)The cavernous sinus. Lateral aspect(4)87

157.海绵窦(冠状切面)The cavernous sinus. Coronal section88

158.左侧颈内动脉海绵窦段分支(1)The branches of the left internal carotid artery in the segment of the cavernous sinus(1)88

159.左侧颈内动脉海绵窦段分支(2)The branches of the left internal carotid artery in the segment of the cavernous sinus(2)89

160.右侧颈内动脉海绵窦段分支The branches of the right internal carotid artery in the segment of the cavernous sinus89

161.右侧三叉神经腔(1)The right trigeminal cave(1)90

162.右侧三叉神经腔(2)The right trigeminal cave(2)90

163.脑蛛网膜(上面观)The cerebral arachnoid mater. Superior aspect91

164.脑蛛网膜(外侧面观)The cerebral arachnoid mater. Lateral aspect91

165.脑蛛网膜下腔出血(上面观)The cerebral subarachnoid hemorrhage. Superior aspect92

166.脑蛛网膜下腔出血(下面观)The cerebral subarachnoid hemorrhage. Inferior aspect92

167.终板池(下面观)The lamina terminalis cistern. Inferior aspect93

168.脑下面的蛛网膜下池The subarachnoid cisterns under the cerebrum93

169.大脑大静脉池The cistern of great cerebral vein94

170.小脑上池The supracerebellar cistern94

171.小脑延髓池(1)The cerebellomedullary cistem(1)95

172.小脑延髓池(2)The cerebellomedullary cistem(2)95

173.脊髓横切面(颈段)The transverse section of the spinal cord. Cervical segment96

174.脊髓蛛网膜(后面观)The spinal arachnoid mater. Posterior aspect96

175.硬脑膜和硬脊膜(后面观)The cerebral dura mater and the spinal dura mater. Posterior aspect97

176.脑神经根和颈神经根(后面观)The roots of the cranial nerves and the cervical nerves. Posterior aspect97

177.颅底和椎管(后面观1)The base of the skull and the vertebral canal. Posterior aspect(1)98

178.颅底和椎管(后面观2)The base of the skull and the vertebral canal. Posterior aspect(2)98

179.颅内血管铸型The cast of the intracranial blood vessels99

180.脑动脉(1)The cerebral arteries(1)100

181.脑动脉(2)The cerebral arteries(2)101

182.大脑动脉环The cerebral arterial circle102

183.脑底动脉The arteries of the base of the brain102

184.脉络丛前动脉The anterior choroidal arteries103

185.后交通动脉分支The branches of the posterior communicating arteries103

186.大脑外侧面的动脉(1)The arteries of the lateral surface of the cerebrum(1)104

187.大脑外侧面的动脉(2)The arteries of the lateral surface of the cerebrum(2)104

188.大脑内侧面的动脉The arteries of the medial surface of the cerebrum105

189.海马沟内诸结构The structures running in the hippocampal sulcus105

190.大脑前动脉The anterior cerebral artery106

191.大脑后动脉The posterior cerebral artery106

192.椎——基动脉及其分支(1)The vertebro-basilar arteries and their branches(1)107

193.椎——基动脉及其分支(2)The vertebro-basilar arteries and their branches(2)107

194.脉络丛后外侧支The posterior lateral choroidal branches108

195.脉络丛后内侧支The posterior medial choroidal branches108

196.小脑下后动脉(后面观)The posterior inferior cerebellar arteries. Posterior aspect109

197.小脑动脉(上面观1)The cerebellar arteries. Superior aspect(1)109

198.小脑动脉(上面观2)The cerebellar arteries. Superior aspect(2)110

199.小脑动脉(下面观)The cerebellar arteries. Inferior aspect110

200.大脑浅静脉(外侧面观)The superficial veins of the cerebrum. Lateral aspect111

201.大脑浅静脉(内侧面观)The superficial veins of the cerebrum. Medial aspect111

202.汇入横窦的大脑浅静脉The superficial cerebral veins draining into the transverse sinus112

203.汇入上矢状窦的大脑浅静脉The superficial cerebral veins draining into the superior sagittal sinus112

204.岩静脉The petrosal vein113

205.大脑大静脉The great cerebral vein113

206.大脑大静脉及其属支The great cerebral vein and its tributaries114

207.大脑深静脉The deep cerebral veins114


208.头部血管铸型(前面观)The cast of the blood vessels of the head. Anterior aspect116

209.头部血管铸型(侧面观)The cast of the blood vessels of the head. Lateral aspect117

210.头颈部皮动脉(前面观)The cutaneous arteries of the head and the neck. Anterior aspect118

211.头颈部皮动脉(外侧面观)The cutaneous arteries of the head and the neck. Lateral aspect119

212.颞额部皮动脉The cutaneous arteries of the tempofrontal region120

213.颅顶部皮动脉The cutaneous arteries of the epicranial region120

214.颅顶区软组织The soft tissues of the epicranial region121

215.颞区软组织The soft tissues of the temporal region121

216.颈外动脉分支The branches of the external carotid artery122

217.颈内、外动脉分支The branches of the internal and the external carotid arteries123

218.椎动脉(外侧面观)The vertebral artery. Lateral aspect124

219.面部静脉The veins of the face125

220.面神经The facial nerve126

221.脑神经(外侧面观)The cranial nerves. Lateral aspect127

222.三叉神经(内侧面观)The trigeminal nerve. Medial aspect128

223.眶区的血管神经The blood vessels and the nerve of the orbital region128


224.颅底分区示意图The diagram of the zonation in the base of the skull130

225.颅底肌肉附着点The attachment points of the muscles of the cranial base131

226.颅底血管神经(外面观1)The blood vessels and the nerves of the base of the skull. External aspect(1)132

227.颅底血管神经(外面观2)The blood vessels and the nerves of the base of the skull. External aspect(2)133

228.颅底血管神经(外面观3)The blood vessels and the nerves of the base of the skull. External aspect(3)134

229.颅底血管神经(外面观4)The blood vessels and the nerves of the base of the skull. External aspect(4)134

230.颈静脉孔形态(外面观) The shape of the jugular foramen. External aspect135

231.颈静脉孔形态(内面观1)The shape of the jugular foramen. Internal aspect(1)135

232.颈静脉孔形态(内面观2)The shape of the jugular foramen. Internal aspect(2)136

233.颈静脉孔内结构The structures in the jugular foramen136

234.颈静脉孔周围结构(1)The structures around the jugular foramen(1)137

235.颈静脉孔周围结构(2)The structures around the jugular foramen(2)137

236.颈静脉孔周围结构(3)The structures around the jugular foramen(3)138


237.头部断面示意图The diagram of the section of the head140

238~253.头部水平断面(1)~(16)The horizontal section of the head(1)~(16)141

254~266.头部冠状断面(1)~(13)The horizontal section of the head(1)~(13)153

267~276.头部矢状断面(1)~(10)The sagittal section of the head(1)~(10)166


277.寰椎(上面观)The atlas. Superior aspect176

278.寰椎(下面观)The atlas. Inferior aspect176

279.枢椎(上面观)The axis. Superior aspect176

280.枢椎(侧面观)The axis. Lateral aspect177

281.第七颈椎(上面观)The 7th cervical vertebra. Superior aspect177

282.第七颈椎(侧面观)The 7th cervical vertebra. Lateral aspect177

283.颈椎横突孔变异The variation of the transverse foramen of the cervical vertebra178

284.项韧带(侧面观)The ligamentum nuchae. Lateral aspect179

285.寰枕前膜The anterior atlantooccipital membrane180

286.寰枕后膜The posterior atlantooccipital membrane180

287.颅骨与椎骨的连接(1)The joints between the skull and the vertebrae(1)181

288.颅骨与椎骨的连接(2)The joints between the skull and the vertebrae(2)181

289.颅骨与椎骨的连接(3)The joints between the skull and the vertebrae(3)182

290.寰枢关节(上面观)The atlantoaxial joint. Superior aspect182

291.寰枢关节(水平切面)The atlantoaxial joint. Horizontal section183

292.寰椎横韧带(上面观)The transverse ligament of the atlas. Superior aspect183

293.寰枕关节(矢状切面)The atlantooccipital joint. Sagittal section184

294.第一肋与胸骨柄骨性结合The synostosis between the first rib and the manubrium sterni184

295.颈筋膜(前面观)The cervical fascia. Anterior aspect185

296.颈筋膜(侧面观)The cervical fascia. Lateral aspect185

297.颈部三角The triangles of the neck186

298.颈部肌(前面观1)The muscles of the neck. Anterior aspect(1)187

299.颈部肌(前面观2)The muscles of the neck. Anterior aspect(2)187

300.颈部肌(前面观3)The muscles of the neck. Anterior aspect(3)188

301.椎前肌和斜角肌The anterior vertebral muscles and the scalenus188

302.颈部肌(侧面观1)The muscles of the neck. Lateral aspect(1)189

303.颈部肌(侧面观2)The muscles of the neck. Lateral aspect(2)189

304.颈部肌(侧面观3)The muscles of the neck. Lateral aspect(3)190

305.颈部肌(侧面观4)The muscles of the neck. Lateral aspect(4)190

306.胸骨舌骨肌副头(侧面观)The accessory head of the sternohyoid. Lateral aspect191

307.副肩胛舌骨肌(侧面观)The accessory omohyoid. Lateral aspect191

308.项部肌肉(1)The muscles of the nuchae part(1)192

309.项部肌肉(2)The muscles of the nuchae part(2)192

310.项部肌肉(3)The muscles of the nuchae part(3)193

311.项部肌肉(4)The muscles of the nuchae part(4)194

312.项部肌肉(5)The muscles of the nuchae part(5)195

313.项部肌肉(6)The muscles of the nuchae part(6)196

314.颈部皮动脉(前面观)The cutaneous arteries of the neck. Anterior aspect197

315.颈部血管神经(前面观1)The blood vessels and the nerves of the neck. Anterior aspect(1)197

316.颈部血管神经(前面观2)The blood vessels and the nerves of the neck. Anterior aspect(2)198

317.颈部血管神经(前面观3)The blood vessels and the nerves of the neck. Anterior aspect(3)199

318.颈部血管神经(前面观4)The blood vessels and the nerves of the neck. Anterior aspect(4)200

319.颈部血管神经(前面观5)The blood vessels and the nerves of the neck. Anterior aspect(5)201

320.颈部血管神经(前面观6)The blood vessels and the nerves of the neck. Anterior aspect(6)202

321.颈部血管神经(前面观7)The blood vessels and the nerves of the neck. Anterior aspect(7)203

322.椎动脉及颈神经根The vertebral arteries and the roots of the cervical nerve204

323.颈交感干和交感干神经节(1)The sympathetic trunk and the ganglia of the sympathetic trunk of the neck(1)205

324.颈交感干和交感干神经节(2)The sympathetic trunk and the ganglia of the sympathetic trunk of the neck(2)206

325.椎外前静脉丛铸型The cast of the anterior external vertebral venous plexus207

326.椎外后静脉丛铸型The cast of the posterior external vertebral venous plexus207

327.颈部椎内后静脉丛(后面观)The posterior internal vertebral venous plexus of the neck. Posterior aspect208

328.颈部椎内前静脉丛(后面观)The anterior internal vertebral venous plexus of the neck. Posterior aspect209

329.颈部血管神经(侧面观1)The blood vessels and the nerves of the neck. Lateral aspect(1)210

330.颈部血管神经(侧面观2)The blood vessels and the nerves of the neck. Lateral aspect(2)211

331.颈部血管神经(侧面观3)The blood vessels and the nerves of the neck. Lateral aspect(3)212

332.颈部血管神经(侧面观4)The blood vessels and the nerves of the neck. Lateral aspect(4)213

333.右侧颈部血管神经(侧面观)The blood vessels and nerves of the right neck. Lateral aspect214

334.颈根部(1)The root of the neck(1)215

335.颈根部(2)The root of the neck(2)215

336.颈动脉窦支The carotid sinus branch216

337.双上腔静脉(1)The double superior vena cava(1)216

338.双上腔静脉(2)The double superior vena cava(2)217

339.左侧喉返神经(1)The left recurrent laryngeal nerve(1)218

340.左侧喉返神经(2)The left recurrent laryngeal nerve(2)218

341.右侧喉返神经(1)The right recurrent laryngeal nerve(1)219

342.右侧喉返神经(2)The right recurrent laryngeal nerve(2)219

343.迷走神经(后面观)The vagus nerves. Posterior aspect220

344.头颈部正中矢状切面The median sagittal section of the head and the neck221

345.咽肌(后面观)The muscles of the pharynx. Posterior aspect222

346.喉、气管和食管(前面观)The larynx,the trachea and the esophagus. Anterior aspect223

347.甲状腺(前面观)The thyroid gland. Anterior aspect224

348.甲状腺和甲状旁腺(后面观)The thyroid gland and the parathyroid gland. Posterior aspect224

349.颈部淋巴管和淋巴结(右侧1)The lymphatic vessels and the lymph nodes of the neck. Right(1)225

350.颈部淋巴管和淋巴结(右侧2)The lymphatic vessels and the lymph nodes of the neck. Right(2)226

351.头颈部淋巴管和淋巴结(左侧)The lymphatic vessels and the lymph nodes of the neck. Left227

352.下颌下淋巴结The submandibular lymph nodes228

353.颈深部淋巴管和淋巴结(前面观)The deep lymphatic vessels and the lymphatic nodes of the neck. Anterior aspect228

354.项部血管神经(1)The blood vessels and the nerves of the nuchal region(1)229

355.项部血管神经(2)The blood vessels and the nerves of the nuchal region(2)230

356.项部血管神经(3)The blood vessels and the nerves of the nuchal region(3)231

357.项部血管神经(4)The blood vessels and the nerves of the nuchal region(4)232

358.项部血管神经(5)The blood vessels and the nerves of the nuchal region(5)233

359.臂丛和锁骨下动、静脉The brachial plexus and the subclavian artery and vein234

360.臂丛和锁骨下动脉The brachial plexus and the subclavian artery234


361.颈部断面示意图The diagram of the section of the neck236

362~371.颈部水平断面(1)~(10)The horizontal section of the neck(1)~(10)237

372~378.颈部矢状断面(1)~(7)The sagittal section of the neck(1)~(7)242
