
- 万春林等编写 著
- 出版社: 天津:天津人民出版社
- ISBN:7201007963
- 出版时间:1992
- 标注页数:405页
- 文件大小:22MB
- 文件页数:402页
- 主题词:
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1.a(n) one1
2.a few few a little little2
3.a pair of a couple of4
4.able can capable6
5.above over9
6.accept receive10
7.accident incident11
8.according to according as12
9.accuse charge13
10.achieve attain reach14
11.across past through16
12.act action deed17
13.actual real true19
14.address speech lecture talk21
15.advise persuade suggest propose23
16.affair business matter25
17.after later in27
18.ago before29
19.agree to agree with agree on30
20.aid help assist31
21.all both33
22.all over all through throughout35
23.allow permit promise let36
24.almost nearly about39
176.final last 240
25.alone lonely41
26.aloud loud42
27.also too either so43
28.although though as44
29.amaze surprise astonish46
30.among between48
31.amount number49
32.ancient old50
33.and or52
34.angry at angry with53
35.animal beast creature54
36.another the other others the others55
37.answer reply57
38.anxious eager58
39.any either59
40.any some61
41.anybody anyone any one62
42.apparent distinct clear evident obvious plain64
43.appear look seem66
44.argue discuss quarrel67
45.arrange arrange for69
46.arrive reach71
47.article composition paper72
48.as like alike74
49.as soon as no sooner…than hardly…when once75
50.as well as not only…but also77
51.ask beg claim demand require79
52.ask demand inquire enquire question82
53.asleep sleepy sleeping84
54.at beside by near86
55.at in on87
56.at first first of all first89
57.at last finally in the end90
58.at the back of in the back of on the back of92
59.at(on)the corner of in the corner of93
60.at the end of by the end of94
61.at the side of on the side of95
62.at the top of on the top of96
63.awake awaken wake waken97
64.bad ill evil99
65.base basis101
66.battle fight war102
67.be afraid of doing sth be afraid to do sth104
68.be familiar to be familiar with105
69.be going to be to be about to106
70.be pleased at be pleased with107
71.beat hit strike108
72.beautiful pretty handsome good-look ing110
73.because since as for111
74.believe believe in113
75.below under114
76.but except except for besides115
77.big large great118
78.bloom blossom120
79.borrow lend121
80.bright clever wise122
81.bring take carry fetch hold123
82.broad wide127
83.call at call on128
84.calm peaceful quiet silent still129
85.catch arrest capture grasp seize131
86.cause reason133
87.celebration banquet festival party134
88.centre middle136
89.chance luck fortune137
90.chance opportunity138
91.cheat deceive139
92.cheer delight gladden please140
93.cheerful joyful happy141
94.choose elect pick select142
95.class course lesson144
96.clean neat tidy145
97.clean dust sweep tidy wipe146
98.climate weather148
98.collect gather149
100.combine connect join150
101.common general ordinary usual151
102.compare...to compare...with152
103.complete conclude end finish fulfil153
104.confusion disorder155
105.consider look upon…as…regard…as156
106.consult look up157
107.cord cable line rope string thread wire159
108.conversation chat dialogue discussion talk160
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111.crop harvest164
112.crowd gang group masses mob throng165
113.cry sob weep167
114.cure heal168
115.custom habit practice169
116.daily everyday171
117.damage harm hurt injure172
118.danger hazard peril risk173
119.dark dim174
120.date day175
121.dear costly expensive176
122.decide be determined to determine make up one s mind177
123.declare announce proclaim179
124.deep deeply180
125.defeat beat win181
126.defend guard protect182
127.delay defer postpone put off184
128.delight joy pleasure185
129.depend rely186
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131.different various189
132.difficult hard190
133.disagree differ object191
134.discover invent192
135.disease complaint illness sickness trouble193
136.divide separate195
137.drag draw pull195
138.drawing cartoon painting picture portrait sketch196
139.dress clothes clothing garment198
140.dress be dressed in be in have on put on wear200
141.drug medicine remedy201
142.during for202
143.each every204
144.eager anxious205
145.earn acquire gain get obtain win206
146.effective efficient208
147.effort pains struggle trouble209
148.elder older210
149.else other211
150.empty vacant212
151.encourage inspire213
152.enlarge increase grow214
153.entertain amuse215
154.entire total whole216
155.error mistake217
156.escape flee fly run away218
157.especial special particular219
158.especially specially particularly220
159.everyone every one221
160.examine inspect investigate222
161.examination quiz test223
162.excuse apologize forgive pardon224
163.exercise practice226
164.expand extend spread227
165.factory mill plant works228
166.fair impartial just229
167.fair market230
168.fairly quite rather231
169.family home house233
170.famous well-known234
171.farther further235
172.fast quickly236
173.fast quick rapid swift237
174.fatal deadly mortal238
175.fault shortcoming239
177.find look for241
178.fire blaze flame241
179.foolish silly stupid242
180.for fear of in fear of(for)244
181.forbid ban prohibit244
182.force power strength246
183.form shape figure247
184.fortunate lucky248
185.frighten alarm scare249
186.frightened afraid horrible terrible terrified250
187.funny amusing humorous252
188.furnish supply253
189.game sport254
190.game competition contest match race255
191.gaze glare stare257
192.general common popular258
193.get acquire gain obtain259
194.get ready be ready(to do sth) be prepared(for) make ready make preparations for prepare261
195.gift present263
196.give accord award grant264
197.go on doing go on to do go on with265
198.good well266
199.good at good for good to267
200.grateful thankful268
201.greet welcome269
202.guide conduct direct lead269
203.happen occur take place271
204.haste hurry272
205.have been to have gone to273
206.have to must274
207.healthy fit well275
208.hear hear of listen to276
209.high tall277
210.hill mountain mount278
211.hire employ engage279
212.hot feverish burning280
213.idea thought impression281
214.idea opinion view283
215.in front of in the front of before284
216.in the east of on the east of to the east of285
217.in the evening on the evening of286
218.in time on time287
219.include contain involve287
take the place of289
220.instead of instead in one s stead289
221.job work290
222.journey travel trip tour voyage291
223.keen acute sharp293
224.kill murder294
225.kind sort type295
226.knit weave296
227.know know about know of297
228.know recognize298
229.knowledge learning299
230.lane avenue path road street way300
231.laugh at make a fool of make fun of play a trick(joke)on302
232.leap jump hop303
233.learn study305
234.lease rent loan306
235.leave stay remain308
236.letter message note310
237.liberate set free311
238.lift raise rise312
239.little short small tiny313
240.load burden cargo freight goods315
241.lose miss317
242.look after care for take care of concern about318
243.machine machinery engine320
244.make from make into make of make with make up of322
245.many many a much a lot of lots of324
246.mark sign signal326
247.material matter substance327
248.maybe may be perhaps probably328
249.mend fix parch repair329
250.mistaken wrong331
251.more no more than not more than332
252.noise sound voice333
253.none nobody no one335
254.notice note observe336
255.now just now nowadays337
256.of oneself for oneself by oneself339
257.officer official340
258.one day some day the other day341
259.open switch on turn on342
260.package parcel343
261.pain ache343
262.pay salary wage344
263.price cost expense value345
264.problem question346
265.progress advance development347
266.put to an end come to an end349
267.quarrel about quarrel with349
268.rare scarce351
269.realize understand352
270.recall remember353
271.rich wealthy354
272.rob steal355
273.rock stone356
274.say speak tell talk357
275.search search for359
276.seat sit361
277.shade shadow362
278.shake tremble363
279.shoot shoot at364
280.sight view365
281.such so366
282.so as to so that367
283.so…that such…that368
284.sorry excuse(me)370
285.spend take371
286.stay stop372
287.story tale373
288.supply…for supply...with374
289.take part in join join in375
290.talk about talk of377
291.throw sth at sth/sb throw sth to sth/sb378
292.too very379
293.when while as380
294.worth worthy381
295.yet still382
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