
中国农业面源污染控制对策 中英文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

中国农业面源污染控制对策 中英文
  • 朱兆良,(英)David Norse,孙波主编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国环境科学出版社
  • ISBN:7802094267
  • 出版时间:2006
  • 标注页数:299页
  • 文件大小:29MB
  • 文件页数:320页
  • 主题词:农业环境-非点污染源-污染控制-研究-中国


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中国农业面源污染控制对策 中英文PDF格式电子书版下载


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第一编 中国农业非点源污染的现状、原因和控制对策1

1 中国农业非点源污染的现状1

1.1 化肥施用引起的非点源污染现状1

1.2 农药施用引起的非点源污染现状4

1.3 湖泊富营养化现状5

2 中国农业非点源污染的原因6

2.1 粮食安全保障的压力大6

2.2 蔬菜生产的发展迅猛6

2.3 农田养分循环不平衡8

2.4 规模化养殖业发展快、有机废弃物处理率低9

2.5 农业技术推广体系不健全11

2.6 过量施用氮肥,超过农学、经济学和环境学的最佳施肥量12

2.7 开放的化肥市场政策下农民过量施肥12

3 国际上控制农业非点源污染的经验13

3.1 国际制定有关肥料和农药合理施用法规的经验13

4.1 政策建议14

4 中国农业非点源污染的控制对策14

3.3 应用经济手段14

3.2 强制方法和志愿方法14

4.2 环境立法建议16

4.3 技术体系建议17


第二编 中国农田生态系统中氮素平衡状况及其变化趋势20

1 引言20

2.3 空间分析21

2.2 数据21

2.1 农田生态系统中氮素平衡量的计算21

2 农田生态系统氮素平衡的计算和分析21

2.4 氮素平衡预测22

3 我国农田氮素平衡的现状和变化趋势22

3.1 国家尺度上养分平衡的现状与变化趋势22

3.2 省级的氮素平衡现状和变化23

3.3 氮素环境潜在风险评价24

4 影响我国农田养分平衡的因素25

4.1 社会经济因子25

4.2 离大城市的距离对氮素平衡的影响26

5 结论27


第三编 中国典型地区农用化学品投入及地下水硝酸盐污染——湖北、湖南、山东、河北案例研究30

1 前言30

2 材料与方法31

2.1 农户调查及背景31

2.2 地下水取样分析31

3 结果与分析32

3.1 中国及典型区域农业投入变化32

3.2 农用化学品的结构变化32

3.3 农用化学品使用量的变化 .34

3.4 蔬菜种植区地下水硝酸盐污染37

3.5 农户意向调查38

3.6 化肥过量施用与其他形式的氮投入39

4 结论40

5 建议41


第四编 传统蔬菜生产中的养分投入分析及其对环境的影响43

1 我国主要蔬菜产区传统养分投入特点及盈余分析43

2.1 施肥现状及对环境的影响46

2 案例分析:寿光菜区土壤养分管理现状及其对环境的影响46

2.2 蔬菜保护地氮素资源综合管理技术的应用49

3 菜田的氮素有效管理对策54

3.1 考虑环境养分供应,实现氮素养分资源综合管理54

3.2 灌溉施肥体系的水氮一体化管理54

3.3 填闲作物在减少氮素损失中的作用55

3.4 缓(控)释肥在减少氮素污染,提高肥料利用率中的作用56

4 结论56


2 中国农药使用状况60

2.1 近10多年农药使用量的变化趋势60

第五编 中国农药污染及其对策60

1 引言60

2.2 农药类型结构61

2.3 主要农药品种61

2.4 农药使用量的区域分布特征62

2.5 农药施用水平区域差异性63

4.1 农药对土壤的污染65

4 中国农药污染状况65

3 中国农药管理状况65

3.2 农药管理体制65

3.1 农药管理法律、法规和标准65

4.2 农药对水环境的污染66

4.3 农药对大气质量的影响67

4.4 农药对农产品的污染68

4.5 农药企业“三废”排放对周围生态环境的污染69

5 农药面源污染的原因与对策69


第六编 中国湖泊富营养化中的非点源污染问题72

1 中国湖泊富营养化基本现状72

2 中国湖泊富营养化产生原因74

2.1 点源排放74

2.2 非点源排放75

2.3 湖泊营养物来源的分类77

3 中国湖泊富营养化的防治对策77

3.1 制定以非点源控制为主的战略方针77

3.2 加快重点湖泊富营养化污染的治理工程78

3.3 加强湖泊的环境管理79


第七编 农民化肥使用水平的经济评价和分析81

1 引言81

2 中国化肥的供给、需求及其未来趋势82

3 化肥和农业产出84

4.1 分析数据的来源85

4.2 变量定义85

4 分析数据的来源和分析变量的定义85

5 高单产、高水平的化肥投入87

6 实证研究方法88

7 施肥是否过量的结果分析与讨论90

8 省际间施肥过量程度的比较96

9 不同地区间施肥过量程度的差异97

10 结论98


1 引言101

2 分析框架101

第八编 化肥使用对农民生计的影响及政策启示101

3 案例研究103

3.1 家庭收入及分布103

3.2 化肥施用量104

3.3 化肥支出占生产费用份额105

3.4 化肥价格变化对农户收入影响106

3.5 对环境影响的认识108

3.6 化肥销售及技术咨询服务110

4 总结及政策启示111


第九编 中国作物生产非点源污染控制对策国际研讨会综述115

1 会议的意义和研究目标115

2 中国作物生产的非点源污染现状116

2.1 中国作物生产的非点源污染现状116

2.2 中国控制农业非点源污染的措施117

3 国际上非点源污染的控制方针与对策118

3.1 欧盟非点源污染控制的政策框架与技术手段118

3.2 英国的硝酸盐污染控制——硝酸盐脆弱区设置条例119

3.4 日本农业非点源污染控制方面的政策与措施120

3.3 澳大利亚的农业非点源污染控制120

3.5 越南农作物生产中非点源污染的状况与对策措施121

4 中国非点源污染问题的几个方面121

4.1 中国农业体系中氮素收支的差额121

4.2 中国湖泊富营养化发生的原因与治理对策121

4.3 中国农药污染及其对策122

4.4 农村非点源污染及其控制对策122

4.5 近年来农民对于农用化学品的使用及其发展趋势122

5.1 开发基于CIS的灌溉和氮肥管理方面决策支持工具123

5 未来的措施与对策123

4.6 肥料施用与农民生计问题123

5.2 实行绿色税制124

5.3 农户参与研究及定点氮肥管理124

5.4 农业与农村非点源污染控制的国家政策框架125

5.5 江苏省非点源污染防控对策126

5.6 北京水土保持工作在控制非点源污染方面的理论与实践126

附件 农业面源污染工作组发表的论文127

1.1 Non-point pollutionfrom synthetic fertilizers135

Chapter 1 Policy Recommendations to Reduce Non-point Pollution from Crop Production in China135

1 Status of Non-point Pollution from Crop Production in China135

1.2 Pesticide pollution139

1.3 Status of eutrophication of Chinese lakes140

2 Reasons for Non-point Pollution from Crop Production in China140

2.1 The pressure for high levels offood self-sufficiency in China140

2.2 The fast development of vegetable production141

2.3 Unbalanced nutrient inputs to China's agro-eco systems143

2.4 Rapid development of intensive livestock production withlimited treatment of organic wastes145

2.5 Inadequate agricultural extension system147

2.6 Overuse of nitrogen fertilizer because of the failure to take account of the agronomic,economic and environmental optimum application rate148

2.7 Over-fertilization behaviour of farmer under open market conditions148

3 International Experience with Non-point Pollution Control152

3.1 Experience with laws and regulations to promote the sound use of agro-chemicals152

3.2 Mandatory versus voluntary measures153

3.3 Use of economic instruments153

4 Policy Recommendations to Reduce Non-point Pollution from Agriculture in China153

4.1 Pohcy recommendations154

4.2 Improvements in Environmental legislation recommendations156

4.3 Improvement of technology delivery systems157


Chapter 2 Status and Trends of the Nitrogen Budget of China's Agriculture System162

1 Introduction162

2 Calculation and Analysis of N balance of Agro-ecosystems163

2.1 Calculation of nitrogen balance in agro-ecosystems163

2.2 Data163

3 Status and Trends of Nitrogen Budget in China164

3.1 Status and trends of nitrogen budget at national scale164

2.4 N budget projections164

2.3 Spatial Analysis164

3.2 Status and changes of nitrogen budget at provincial scale165

3.3 Nitrogen risk evaluation166

4 Analysis of the Driving Forces for Nutrient Budget Variability168

4.1 Social and economic factors168

4.2 Effects of the distance from a large city on N budget169

5 Conclusions170


Chapter 3 Agrochemical use and nitrate pollution of groundwater in typical crop production areas of China-case studies in Hubei,Hunan,Shandong and Hebei provinces173

1 Introduction173

2 Material and Methods174

2.1 Background to the farm surveys174

2.2 Groundwater sampling175

3 Results and Analysis176

3.1 Agrochemical input use in typical regions of China176

3.2 Qualitative changes in the use of synthetic agrochemicals176

3.3 Application rates of agrochemicals179

3.4 Nitrate contamination of groundwater in vegetable growing areas183

3.5 Changes in Farmer's attitude to the use of agrochemicals 1966—2004184

3.6 Synthetic fertilizer overuse in relation to other N inputs to crop production185

4 Conclusions186

5 Suggestions187


Chapter 4 Environmental assessment of nutrient management in vegetable production in China189

1 Regional Fertilizer Use for Vegetable Production in China189

2.1 Current situation of nutrient management practices and their environmental impacts193

2 Case Study:Nitrogen Management in Typical Greenhouse Vegetable Planting Systems in Shouguang193

2.2 Integrated N management systems and improved N input recommendations196

3 Site-specific N Management Strategies202

3.1 Integrated use of nitrogen from different sources and the improvement of the N cycle in vegetable systems202

3.2 Water and nitrogen management in fertigation system203

3.3 Cover cropadditional effects to reduce N loss203

3.4 Use of slow-release nitrogen fertilizer204

4 Conclusion204


Chapter 5 Pesticide Pollution and Policy Recommendations in China208

1 Introduction208

2 Pesticide Use in China208

2.1 The Changes in Pesticide Use in China over the Past 10 Years208

2.2 The structure of pesticide types209

2.3 The main pesticide types209

2.4 Distribution of pesticide application in the different regions of China210

2.5 Level of pesticide application in the different regions of China210

3.1 The laws and regulations for pesticide management212

3 Management of Pesticide in China212

3.2 The system of pesticide management213

4 The Pesticide Pollution in China213

4.1 The soil contamination by pesticides213

4.2 The contamination of water by pesticides214

4.3 The contamination of atmosphere by pesticides216

4.4 The contamination of agricultural products by pesticides217

5 The Causes of Pesticide Pollution in China218

4.5 The eco-environmental pollution from pesticide manufacturing218

6 The Policy Recommendations to Control Pesticide Pollution in China219


Chapter 6 Non-point and Point Source Pollution and the Eutrophication of Chinese Lakes222

1 Present State of Lake Eutrophication in China222

2 Reasons for Lake Eutrophication in China224

2.1  Point source pollution224

2.2 Non-point source pollution(Npp)226

2.3 Classification of nutrient source for lakes227

3.1 Establishing a holistic policy that give priority to prevention228

3 Measures to Prevent and Overcome Lake Eutrophication in China228

3.2 Conducting more restoration projects on major eutrophic lakes230

3.3 Strengthening environmental management of lake basins231


Chapter 7 Economic Evaluation and Analysis of Fertiliser Overuse by China's Farmers233

1 Introduction233

2 Fertilizer Supply,Demand and Trade in China235

3 Previous Studies on Synthetic Fertilizer and Output in China's Agriculture237

4.1 Data239

4 Data Sources and Variable Definitions239

4.2 Variable definitions240

5 High YieldsHigh Levels of Fertilizer Use242

6 Empirical Approach244

7 Results and Discussion:Is Fertilizer Overused?246

8 Provincial-level Results254

9 Regional Difierences255

10 Conclusion256


1 Introduction259

Chapter 8 Fertilizer Use and Rural Livelihood-Links and Policy Implications259

2 Analytical Framework260

3 The Case Study262

3.1 Household income and distribution262

3.2 Fertilizer application rates264

3.3 Budget shares for fertilizer use265

3.4 Impact of fertilizer price changes on incomes266

3.5 Perceptions about environmental impacts268

3.6 Access to fertilizer and technical advice270

4 Summary and Policy Implications272


Chapter 9 International Workshop on Policy Responses to Non-point Pollution from Crop Production in China:A review277

1 Aims of the Workshop277

2 Current Status ofNon-point Pollution from Crop Production in China279

2.1 Status ofNpp from crop production in China279

2.2 Counter measures for Npp control in China280

3 International Experience and Policies with Npp Control281

3.1 The policy framework for non-point pollution control in the European Union281

3.2 Regulations for Nitrate Vulnerable Zones in the United Kingdom283

3.4 Policies and countermeasures to control agricultural Npp in Japan284

3.3 Controlling agricultural Npp in Australia284

3.5 Status of Npp from crop production and the countermeasures used in Vietnam286

4 Dimensions of the Npp Problem in China286

4.1 N balance of China's agricultural system286

4.2 The causes of lake eutrophication in China and control countermeasures286

4.4 Npp from the countryside and its control287

4.5 Recent trends in farmer's use of agrochemicals287

4.3 Pesticide pollution in China and policy strategies and options287

4.6 Fertilizer use and rural livelihoods288

5 The Way Forward289

5.1 GIS-based decision support tool for irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer management289

5.2 Green taxation in China290

5.3 Participatory farmers research and site specific N-management291

5.4 The policy framework for Npp control in the China291

5.5 Npp prevention and control in Jiangsu province292

5.6 The status of Npp in Beijing293

Appendix List of publications prepared by the Non-point Pollution Task Force294
