

  • 钟述孔著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司
  • ISBN:90220·13
  • 出版时间:1984
  • 标注页数:501页
  • 文件大小:15MB
  • 文件页数:513页
  • 主题词:


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Ⅱ.The Two Most Widely-Used Forms of Interpretation2

Ⅲ.Prerequisites for Interpretation4

Ⅳ.Basic Qualities Required of the Interpreter7

Ⅴ.Dialectical-Materialism in Interpretation:“Unity ofAccuracy and Smoothness”is Our Goal10

Ⅵ.Genuine Knowledge Comes from Practice12

PART TWO:STEPPING-STONE TO COMPETENCYIN CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETATIONChapter 1:Familiarity with the Structure of SpokenEnglishⅠ.Stressing14




Ⅴ.Word Order20

Reading Aloud:Drills 1 and 221

Chapter 2:Familiarity with“Polite Forms”in English—Interpret the following 80 sentencesSection 1:Asking Favours24

Section 2:Complaining25

Section 3:Apologizing26

Section 5:Polite Orders27

Section 4:Polite Refusal27

Section 6:Expressing Disapproval or Objection28

Chapter 3:“Constant Exposure”is of Vital ImportanceSection 1:Our Strong Points and Weak Points30

Section 2:Recognizing and Using the Correct“Levels”of English31

Section 3:Absorption of Knowledge and UsefulExpressions35

3 Relevant Exercises36

Ⅱ.Distinguish the“Commendatory Term”from“theDerogatory Term”40

Chapter 4:Proper Handling of Idioms—Three“Rules”to Go ByⅠ.Render the Meaning,not mere“Words”,in thelight of the Context40

Ⅲ.Do Not Misuse Foreign Idioms in Interpreting41

Chapter 5:Note-Taking in InterpretingSection 1:Two Special Features44

Section 2:Some Practical Hints46

Section 3:Practising Note-Taking—Interpreting“Pro-cedural Brief”for Meetings(E—C andC—E)48

Chapter 6:The Interpreting of“Figures”Section 1:Some Practical Difficulties for Chinese Inter-preters54

(Ⅰ)Two Significant Points55

Section 2:Practice Makes Perfect55

(Ⅱ)Possible“Signs”to be Used56


PART THREE:PRACTISING CONSECUTIVEINTERPRETATION ON VARIOUS THEMESChapter 7:Features of PART THREE and the Basicsof Interpretation TechniquesSection 1:Basic Features of the 9 Chapters in PARTTHREE65

Section 2:On the Basics of“Interpretation Tech-niques”66

Section 3:Weighing“C—E and E—C”,“Consecu-tive”and“Simultaneous”68

Chapter 8:Protocol RoutineBackground Notes(1 and 2)72

Meeting a Foreign Guest at the Airport74

Making Appointment76

Chapter 9:Weather And Dinner PartiesBackground Notes(1 and 2)86

Talking about the Weather88

Entertaining Guests at Dinner91

More Dialogues for Consecutive Interpretation94

Chapter 10:On China s AgricultureBackground Notes(1 to 3)100

In a Commune Reception Room104

Discussion on Policy Matters107

At the Reception Room of the Dragon-Well Brigade110

Chapter 11:Visiting Places of InterestBackground Notes(on History and Geography ofChina and on Tourism)116

A Brief Introduction to Beijing121

Sightseeing Trip to the Great Wall and Ming Tombs123

Touring the Summer Palace127

Guilin to Yangshuo by Boat130

Hangzhou,the Famous Chinese Lake City131

Chapter 12:Day-To-Day Conversation In Diplomatic Serv-iceBackground Notes(1 to 3)136

Asking the Foreign Office for Help139

On Overseas Chinese141

Expressing Regret and Lodging Protest142

Exchange of Views on Disarmament144

A Speech on Current International Issues146

Chapter 13:On International Economic Relations andForeign TradeBackground Notes(1 to 3)152

One Session of the Trade Talks156

Talking about Shipping Documents159

Exchanging for Chinese Money(at a hotel bank)160

Conversation On Income Tax Concerning Foreign En-terprises162

Conversation with a U.S.Businessman164

Another Round of Trade Talks167

Chapter 14:On China s IndustriesBackground Notes(1 to 3)169

An Introduction to a Machinery Factory176

Discussion at a Factory Reception Room177

A“Casual Dialogue”between Two Foreign Visitors179

Introducing a Cotton Mill181

Further Discussion with a Foreign Guest183

Chapter 15:Theatre-Going and Discussion On Art andLiteratureBackground Notes(1 to 3)185

Going to a Concert188


After Seeing the Play193

On Chinese Acrobatics195

Discussion on Art and Literature196

Chapter 16:Visiting a Division of PLA and Discus-sion on Related MattersBackground Notes(1 and 2)200

A Brief Account of the History of Division 196203

Discussion at the Divisional Headquarters204

Visiting Regiment 587206

Viewing Various Items of Military Training209

Talk by a Visiting Ex-Pilot from the U.S212

PART FOUR:STEPPING-STONE TO COMPETENCYIN SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETATIONChapter 17:Professional Ethics and EvaluationSection 1:On the“Professional Ethics”215

Section 2:On the Professional Evaluation216

Chapter 18:Basics of Simultaneous-Interpretation Tech-niqueSection 1:Striking a Proper Balance between Listeningand Speaking220

Section 2:Rendering the Idea,not mere“Words”221

Section 3:Keeping the Situation under Control223

Section 4:Always Analysing the“Peculiarities”ofTransference225

Section 5:Always Trying to be Dialectical inApproach230

Section 6:Samples Showing Application of Basic Si-multaneous-Interpretation Techniques240

A Sample Speech for Simultaneous Interpreting241

PART FIVE:PRACTISING SIMULTANEOUSINTERPRETATIONChapter 19:Genuine Knowledge Comes from PracticeSection 1:The Training Must be Severely Practical247

Section 2:Setting a Higher Demand on Ourselves249

Section 3:Features of Exercises in PART FIVE andSuggested“Procedure to be Followed”251

Chapter 20:Exx.on Useful Expressions Relating toMeetingsSimultaneous Interpretation of“Stock-Phrases”254

Simultaneous Interpretation of Procedural Matters257

Exercising“Right of Reply”(C—E)259

Speech in Explanation of Vote(C—E)260

Chapter 21:Speeches,ete.On Political and SecurityMattersAgenda Item:The Situation in the Occupied ArabTerritories261

The Politics of Disarmament264

Speeches by Chinese Representative265

Chapter 22:On Economic MattersSpeech by Barbados268

Speech on North-South Relations270

Speech by Chinese Delegate(C—E)273

Speech by Chinese Representative(C—E)274

Chapter 23:Speeches,etc.On Scientific MattersRole of Science and Technology in Development276

A Talk on Computers278

Speech by Chinese Representative(C—E)281

Uses of Atoms(C—E)282

Chapter 24:Legal Matters Relating to UN ActivitiesMain Contents of Provisional Agenda284

Explanation of 3 Agenda Items287

On International Terrorism(C—E)291

Speech of Head of the Chinese Delegation on CrimePrevention292

PART SIX:KEY TO THE INTERPRETATIONEXERCISESChapter 25:Strive for COMPETENCY both in CON-SECUTIVE and in SIMULTANEOUSAbout the“KEY”and the Professional Training ofConference Interpreters302

KEY to Interpretation Exercises304

