
每天读点世界文化 这里是英国【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

每天读点世界文化 这里是英国
  • 王泉主编;李笑南副主编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国水利水电出版社
  • ISBN:9787508496290
  • 出版时间:2012
  • 标注页数:293页
  • 文件大小:141MB
  • 文件页数:305页
  • 主题词:英语-语言读物;文化史-英国


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每天读点世界文化 这里是英国PDF格式电子书版下载


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Part 1不可错过的英国地理人文风情2

Unit 1区域划分2

001 England3

002 Scotland5

003 Wales7

004 Northern Ireland9

Unit 2政治体系11

005The Monarchy12

006 Houses of Parliament14

007Electoral System16

008 Conservative Party and Labour Party18

Unit 3英国的节日20

009 Christmas21

010 Easter23

011 St.Patrick’s Day25

012Burns Night27

013The Eisteddfod29

014 Halloween31

Unit 4英国的教育33

015 British Education System34

016 Eton College36

017 Oxford University38

018 Cambridge University40

019 London School of Economics42

Unit 5传统体育项目44

020 Soccer45

021 Cncket47

022 Horse Racing49

023 Tennis51

Part 2正在影响世界的英国顶级企业54

Unit 6能源企业54

024 Shell55

025British Petroleum57

Unit 7媒体59

026The British Broadcasting Corporation60

027 Reuter’s News Agency62

028The Times64

Unit 8汽车业66

029 Rolls-Royce Motor Cars67

030 Lotus Cars69

031 MG Rover Group71

Unit 9饮食业73

032 Unilever Global Companies74

Unit 10银行业76

033 Standard Chartered Bank77

034 The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC)79

035 Royal Bank of Scotland81

036 Barclays Bank83

Unit 11电信业85

037 Vodafone Group Plc86

038 British Telecom88

Part 3英国正在反复热播的影视作品91

Unit 12电影91

039 The English Patient (1996)92

040 Pride(Prejudice (2005)94

041 Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001)96

042 Shakespeare in Love (1998)98

043 Trainspotting (1996)100

044The Reader (2008)102

045 Love Actually (2003)104

046 Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)106

047 Notting Hill (1999)108

Unit 13电视剧110

048 Merlin111

049 Black Books113

050 Skins115

051 Hustle117

052 The IT Crowd119

053 Little Britain121

054 The Tudors123

Unit 14其他娱乐节目125

055 Britain’s Got Talent126

056 X Factor128

Part 4英国人正在关注的人文作品131

Unit 15文学作品131

057 Hamlet132

058 Robinson Crusoe135

059 Jane Eyre137

060 Wuthering Heights139

061 Sense and Sensibility142

062 Great Expectations144

063 Treasure Island146

064 Sons and Lovers148

Unit 16建筑作品151

065 The Big Ben152

066 Buckingham Palace154

067 Westminster Abbey156

068 York Minster158

069 The British Museum160

070 MadameTussauds162

071The Stonehenge164

072 Hyde Park166

073 The Tower of London168

Part 5英国人正在关注的现代轶事与高频回望的历史事件171

Unit 17现代重大事件171

074 The Global Financial Crisis172

075 Prince William’s Wedding174

076 2012 London Olympic Games176

Unit 18战争篇178

077 The Hundred Years’ War179

078 The War of the Roses181

079The Glorious Revolution183

080The First World War185

081 The Second World War187

Unit 19工业革命189

082 The Invention of Spinning Jenny190

083 The Invention of the Steam Engine192


Unit 20皇室成员195

084 Mary Ⅰ196

085 Elizabeth Ⅰ198

086 Queen Victoria200

087 Elizabeth Ⅱ202

088 Prince Charles204

089 Princess Diana206

090 Prince William208

091 Princess Kate210

092 Prince Hany212

Unit 21政治家214

093 Oliver Cromwell215

094 Winston Churchill217

095 Margaret HildaThatcher219

096 Tony Blair221

Unit 22文学家223

097 William Shakespeare224

098 William Wordsworth226

099 The Bronte Sisters228

100 Jane Austin231

101 Charles Dickens233

Unit 23科学家235

102 James W236

103 Charles Robert Darwin238

104 Isaac Newton240

105 Stephen William Hawking242

Unit 24哲学家244

106 Francis Bacon245

107Bertrand Arthur William Russell247

Unit 25经济学家249

108 Adam Smith250

109 David Ricardo252

110 John Maynard Keynes254

Unit 26电影明星256

111 Colin Firth257

112 Orando Bloom259

113 Hugh Grant261

114 Kate Winslet263

Unit 27音乐人265

115 The Beatles266

116 The Rolling Stones268

117 Spice Girls270

118 Coldplay272

Unit 28艺术家274

119 Eric Ravilious275

120 Joan Hassall277

121 Samuel Palmer279

Unit 29体育明星281

122 Andy Murray282

123 David Robert Joseph Beckham284

Unit 30商界精英286

124 Philip Green287

125 Richard Branson289

126 Anita Roddick292
