
- 徐继宁主编 著
- 出版社: 大连:大连理工大学出版社
- ISBN:7561129017
- 出版时间:2005
- 标注页数:382页
- 文件大小:25MB
- 文件页数:394页
- 主题词:
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一 各地风情1
1.Do as the Americans Do在美国学会入乡随俗1
2.Deck the Halls with Fibs & Folly用“谎话”装点圣诞7
3.The British through My Eyes我眼中的英国人12
4.Shopping Experience in the States美国购物经历19
5.Sense of Humor about Americans美国人的幽默感25
6.England in the 1500s 16世纪的英国28
7.Colorful Christmas Celebrations多彩的圣诞庆典35
8.Geography of USA美国地理概况41
9.What You Don't Talk about in America!美国人忌讳的话题47
10.Political Parties in the United States美国的政党54
11.Political System of U.S.A.美国的政治制度61
12.The Empire State Building帝国大厦67
13.The Political System of Britain英国的政体73
14.The Houses of Parliament英国议会大厦80
二 民俗民情85
2.December 31—European New Year's Eve 12月31日——欧洲人的除夕90
3.Flowers of May五月花节93
4.Happy Birthday and Birthday Cakes生日快乐与生日蛋糕96
5.Father's Day父亲节100
7.Florence Nightingale's Birthday佛罗伦萨·南丁格尔的诞辰106
8.Easter Eggs and Easter Bunny彩蛋和复活节兔子109
9.Greek New Yea r's Day希腊新年113
10.April Fool's Day愚人节116
11.Buddha's Birthday(Hana Matsuri)佛陀诞辰纪念日(又名花节)120
12.New Year's Day in the U.S.A.美国的元旦123
三 生活真谛129
1.How to Get Others to Help You如何获取他人的帮助129
2.A Simple Truth about Happiness快乐的简明道理133
3.Become a Better Listener做一个更好的听者140
4.I Date with My Mother我同母亲的约会144
5.Hold Fast and Let Go抓紧与放手150
6.Six Secrets for a Happier Marriage幸福婚姻六秘诀156
7.Hints for Those That Would Be Rich致富之道163
8.A Pair of Socks一双短袜167
9.Too Dear for the Whistle得不偿失172
四 体育天地176
1.Ceremonies of the Olympic Games奥运仪式176
2.Ambition of Football Players足球运动员的梦想181
3.Yao Says He's Determined to Conquer the NBA姚明决心征服NBA185
5.NBA,Palace for Basketball Players NBA,篮球运动员的宫殿194
6.New Beijing,New Olympics新北京,新奥运200
7.New IOC Head has Impeccable Record无可挑剔的国际奥委会新主席205
8.Bidding for Host of Olympics申办奥运211
10.The Santa Monica Club圣·莫尼卡俱乐部221
11.The World Cup世界杯赛225
五 人物趣闻231
1.Britain's Queen Mother英国王太后231
2.Freeman:Australian Heroine弗里曼:澳大利亚的女英雄238
3.Bora Milutinovic:The Miracle Worker博拉·米卢蒂诺维奇:创造奇迹的人242
4.Prince Charming Will's World魅力王子威尔的世界247
5.The Late-blooming George W.Bush Jr.大器晚成的小布什252
6.Samaranch,the Olympic Patriarch萨马兰奇——奥林匹克的大家长258
7.Clinton Profile克林顿简介263
8.Charles Chaplin's Story查尔斯·卓别林的故事271
9.BenJamin Franklin本杰明·富兰克林275
六 美文欣赏279
1.Last Heartfelt Words最后的心声279
2.Minnesota Dreamer明尼苏达州的梦想家288
3.He'll be Back他会回来的294
4.Moonlight on the Lotus Pond荷塘月色301
5.A Gentle Caress温柔308
6.The Language of the Heart心灵的语言313
7.Christmas Present圣诞礼物320
8.We are Lucky我们是幸运的327
七 精彩演讲词334
1.Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address林肯的葛底斯堡演讲334
2.Mr.Bush's Inaugural Address布什总统就职演说337
3.President Clinton's Inaugural Address克林顿总统就职演说344
4.Blood,Toil,Tears and Sweat热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水355
5.Man Will Prevaii人类必胜361
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