

  • ISBN:
  • 出版时间:1970
  • 标注页数:1023页
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  • 文件页数:1040页
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Chapter 1 History of crown and fixed partial prosthodontics (bridge)1

Early history1

The nineteenth century4

The twentieth century5

Early developments5

Further developments10

Definitions related to crown and fixed partial prosthodontics10

Chapter 2 Factors relating to examination of patient requiring crowns and fixed partial prostheses13

General examination14


Oral examination18

Necessity for roentgenographs18

Recording data19

Pulp tests19

Former oral health service20



Fixed partial dentures21

Removable partial denture22

Complete denture22

Orthodontic treatment22


Ora abnormalities23

Upper anterior restorations25

Biologic aspects of foundation25

Tooth form and function28

Root anatomy30

Forces and stresses30

Concepts of occlusion31

General considerations of patient32

Type of patient32

Dental analysis33

Number and location of teeth33

Form,position,size of teeth34

Analysis of occlusion34

Dental abnormalities34


The pulp36

Treated teeth36

Dental fractures and tissue dyscrasias36


Fractures of teeth:resorption and repair38

Internal and external resorption41


Enamel hypoplasia42

Abrasion and attrition43

Opalescent dentin or dentinogenesis imperfecta43

Porphyria erythropoietica44

Chapter 3 Types of restorations utilized in crown and fixed partial prosthodontics52

Immediate fixed partial denture service53


Types of crowns56

Types and components of fixed partial dentures:anterior and posterior59

Pulpless teeth68

Orthodontic procedures:rotated and tilted teeth69

Arrowhead bite plane69

Surgical treatment72

Cleft palate73

Oral disorders73

Materials used74

Use of dissimilar metals74

Preventive measures75

Chapter 4 Histologic structure of teeth and sup-porting tissues in relation to crown and fixed partial prosthodontics78

Calcified dental tissues78

The enamel78

The dentin82

The cementum 85The alveolar process86

Noncalcified dental tissue87

The pulp87

The periodontal membrane (ligament)90

The gums and gingivae92

Chapter 5 Anatomy of the stomatognathic system related to crown and fixed partial prosthodontic therapy97

Chapter 6 The maxillae—mandible and related factors106

The maxillae:ridge and arch form106

Alveolar process107

Changes following extraction108

The palates109

The mandible109

Ridge and arch form110

Mylohyoid ridge110

Mental foramen111

Other oral factors:mucous membrane111

The tongue111

Glands of the mouth112

Masticatory force112

Facial factors113

Form and color harmony113

Facial form113

Profile form115

Color harmony115


Facial landmarks116

Chapter 7 Stomatognathic physiology related to crown and fixed partial prosthodontic therapy118

Slide from retruded contact to maximum inter-cuspation119

Interocclusal distance and movement from rest position to maximum intercuspation121

Centric relation closure arc and terminal hinge position122

Types of occlusal function123

Proprioception in the stomatognathic system126


Chapter 8 The elderly person who requires crown and fixed partial prosthodontics132

A new era of old people132

Less endentulous oldsters133

Old individuals are individual133

Application in crown and fixed partial prostho-dontics134

The interview137

Biologic concepts in technical procedures138

The oral examination138

Interproximal abrasion142

Rampant dental caries in advanced age143


Periodontics and perioprosthodontics146

The mobile tooth146

The space to be spanned147

Design of preparations147

Cantilever pontics148


A silent tongue can speak148

Chapter 9 Distribution of abutments,crowns,and fixed partial dentures relative to patient’s sex and age152

Loss of one tooth152

Loss of several teeth153

Crowns and fixed partial dentures154

Chapter 10 Movements of abutment teeth related to the fixed partial denture160

Buccolingual movement160

Distomesial rotation162

Movement of the bridge as a whole164

Loose abutments178

Use of pier (intermediate abutment)179

Chapter 11 Biologic interpretation of physical and mechanical principles181

Types of forces181

Centers of rotation in teeth182

Forces of mastication184

Effects on biting force184

Biting force in partially edentulous mouths185

Causes of abnormal forces188

Anterior component of force190

Intra-alveolar movement of teeth191

Shape of roots191

Chapter 12 Stomatognathic pathologic physiol-ogy related to crown and fixed partial prosthodontic therapy195

Chapter 13 Mechanical principles in preparing teeth for intracoronal,extracoronal,and complete crown retainers200

Ideal abutment200

Questionable abutments201

Root length of abutment202

Classification of retainers202

The ideal retainer203

Selection of type203

Principles of intracoronal preparation204

Class Ⅰ,types 1 and 2204

Black’s principles of cavity preparation205

Modifications of retention and resistance form209

The inlay and its cavity (forces,stresses,and retention)215

Principles of extracoronal preparations225

Anterior partial veneer retainer; class Ⅰ,type 3225

Posterior partial veneer retainer; class Ⅰ,type 4225

Complete cast gold retainers; class Ⅱ,type 1228

Role of enamel in preparation of retainers229

Cutting the enamel wall229

Structural requirements for enamel walls232

Chapter 14 Methods of cutting teeth and prefer-ential use of instruments236

Heat generation242



Size of cutting instrument and cutting speeds247

The biologic responses of the pulp to high-speed cutting247

Limit of heat tolerance of the pulp248

Aspirated or misplaced odontoblasts248

Chapter 15 Tooth preparations and instrumenta-tion:class Ⅰ,type 1—anterior intracoronal retainers254

Intracoronal retainers255


Intracoronal retainers in pulpless teeth255

Removal of caries256

Steps in the preparation of an anterior class Ⅰ,type 1,intracoronal retainer257

Outline form257

Resistance and retention forms257

Class Ⅰ,type Ⅰ retainers:steps in preparation259

Chapter 16 Tooth preparations and instrumenta-tion:class Ⅰ,type 2—posterior intracoronal retainers265


Steps in the preparation of a posterior intra-coronal retainer266

Outline form266

Resistance and retention forms268


The slice preparation277

Chapter 17 Tooth preparations and instrumenta-tion:class Ⅰ,type 3—anterior extra-coronal partial veneer retainers285

General considerations285



Removal of decay286

Outline form286

Gum retraction and removal287

Resistance and retention forms288

Incisal groove288

Proximal grooves288

Axial walls290

Steps and instrumentation of preparation290

Preparation of proximal surfaces290

Incisal cut291

Lingual cuts292

Incisal groove294

Axial proximal grooves295

Cervical margin preparation296

Chapter 18 Tooth preparations and instrumenta-tion:class Ⅰ,type 4—posterior extra-coronal partial veneer retainers301


Outline form305

Resistance and retention forms307

Upper abutments308

Steps of preparation308

Lower abutments313

One-half veneer crown313

Steps of construction314

MacBoyle type319

Chapter 19 Intermediate retention of retainers320


Metal pins325

Threaded key326


Lower abutments330

Kabnick type330

MacBoyle type331

Pinlay and pinledge retainers332

Pin and pinledge retention of cast restorations335

Preparing pinholes—direct method335

Fridge paralleling guide336

Parallel grooves340

The Ney Parallel Pin technic341

Operative procedure342

Laboratory procedure343

Placement of the finished restoration347

Chapter 20 Construction of retainers:direct method—materials,equipment,and procedures350

History of dental casting350

Fabrication of direct retainers—the direct method,351

Need for matrix351

Manipulation of inlay wax356

Use of lubricant358

Design of tooth form and occlusion—Everitt Payne method358

Planning and preparations358


Forming the wax pattern by direct method in the mouth365

Attaching sprue pin366

Use of reservoir368

Treatment of wax pattern368


Expansion of casting investments369

Wax elimination:oven temperature381


Chapter 21 Construction of retainers:indirect method—materials,equipment,and procedures (hydrocolloids )391

Hydrocolloids—reversible and irreversible391

Die fabricated in elastic impression materials391

Disadvantages of the indirect method392

Hydrocolloid impression materials393

Reversible (agar-agar) impression material394

Retraction of gingival tissue403

Injection of hydrocolloid material410

Positioning the tray412

Removal and treatment of impression413

Pouring cast in stone and completion414

Requirements for the die materials416

Wax pattern fabrication on die423

Limitations of irreversible (alginate) impression material424

Chapter 22 Construction of retainers:indirect method—materials,equipment,and procedures (mercaptan—silicone base)429

Physical and mechanical properties of impres-sion materials430

Impression technic using mercaptan rubber base impression material432

Constructing the tray432

Individual impressions in bands440

Steele’s copper-die442

Silicone elastic impression materials443

Technic for mixing and taking the impression443


Tray elasticon base443


Cleaning the syringe448

Electroformed dies and casts449

Chapter 23 Tooth preparation and construction of complete metal crowns without dowels:posterior and anterior class Ⅱ,type Ⅰ461

Posterior teeth461




Difficulty in cementing crown464

Preparation of carious tooth464

Use of pulpless tooth464

When to use dowels465

Types of complete cast metal crowns without dowels466

Advantages of the cast type of crown466

Preparation of tooth466

Finishing the shoulderless preparation at the gingival margin473

Methods of constructing posterior metal crowns474

The swaged-cast shoulderless type474

Modified type:cast occlusal surface480

All-cast type of crown482

Preparation of tooth:shoulder and shoulderless types482

Waxing the crown484

Finishing and cementing crown485

Hollenback east shoulder crowns using porcelain veneer facing486

Fired porcelain veneer facing type492

Chapter 24 Tooth preparation for complete porcelain veneer crowns:anterior and posterior teeth—class Ⅱ,typeⅠ495

Advantages and disadvantages495



Roentgenographs and study casts498

Use of warm water and anesthetics498

Types of preparations498

Shoulderless preparation498

Shoulder preparation500

Chapter25 Color:principles,selection,and reproduction in crowns and fixed partial prosthodontics—materials,equipment,and application530

Principles and theories530

Fundamentals of facial art530

Fundamentals of color (hue)531

Color in natural teeth535

Selection of color for prosthetic restorations535

Reproducing colors in porcelain537

Influence of cement on color537

Distribution of porcelain539

Surface texture of porcelain539

Position and shape of tooth539

Use of stains and stained porcelain539

Restoring glazed surface541

Chapter 26 Construction of complete porcelain veneer crowns,securing impression of preparation,constructing dies,and firing porcelain547

Matrix construction552

Lingual relief of tinner’s joint556

Relief to allow for porcelain shrinkage558

Characteristics of porcelain559

Low-fusing porcelain560

Medium-fusing porcelain560

High-fusing porcelain560

Methods of applying porcelain560

Drying the porcelain crown561

Firing porcelain in air or vacuum561

Number of firings required562

Porcelain furnace563

Calibrating porcelain furnace563

Duplicating colors564

Application of porcelain in constructing crowns,564

First application565

Second application566

Trimming and fitting crown568

Final glaze569

Removal of matrix569

Cementing crown569

Removal of excess cement569

Use of prefired veneer569

The direct fabrication of restorations without foil on a refractory die570

Die properties570

Die and model preparation572

Jacket crown fabrication573

Butt-shoulder restorations575

Chapter 27 Tooth preparation:construction of dowel crowns—anterior and posterior teeth580

Early types of dowel crowns580

Types of crowns580

All-metal gold cast type580

Detached dowel type581

Cast metal base type581

Fused porcelain base type581

Swaged iridioplatinum base582

Richmond crown584

Types and component phases of construction,584

Cast type Richmond crown585

Root preparation590

Aluminous porcelain crown with ceramic base fused to dowel599

Aluminous porcelain dowel crown using platinum coping601

Aluminous porcelain dowel crown without a metal coping604

Chapter 28 Construction of working models607

Transfer to articulator: functionally generated path method607

Treatment of the ridge mucosa607

Types of impressions and work models608

Soldering-investment model608

Low-fusing alloy model608

Combination model of alloy and stone610

Working models for indirect technic610

Functionally generated path methods: Hanau,Jelenko611

Hanau twinstage occluder method612

Jelenko Verticulator method618

Chapter 29 Procedure for transfer to articulator using adjustable hinge axis face bow and interocclusal records623

Location of the hinge axis625

Relating the maxillary cast to the terminal hinge position of the mandible628

Transfer of the maxillary cast to the articulator629

Modification of face bow (XP)636

Centric occlusion or centric relation637

Preparation of interocclusal record638

Recording centric occlusion640

Transfer of mandibular cast in centric occlusion641

Records for setting the articulator642

Interocclusal record of protrusive relationship642

Setting articulator to protrusive record643

Right and left lateral interocclusal records644

Right lateral relation record646

Left lateral relation record646

Adjustment of incisal guide647

Checking the accuracy of the transfer648

Chapter 30 Construction of pontics for fied partial dentures:indications,types,and materials650

Requirements of a pontic650

Types of pontics650

Older types650

Modern types650

Tissue response651

Biologic reactions to porcelain root extension pontics651

Changes occurring in ridge652

Types of mucosa652

Finish and contour of pontics652

Width of porcelain facing653

Length of facing653

Buccolingual width653

Abnormal conditions653


Shape of gingival area655

Advantages of porcelain655

Length of pontic655

High lip line and pontics656

Staining and modifying pontics656

Treatment of incisal edge656

Restoring occlusion657

Metal portion of pontic657

Hollow grinding the facing658

Replaceable type of facing658

Shapes of pontics and ridges658

Selection of facing659

Alignment of pontic659

Ridge-lap and “saddle” types661

Conical root type661

“Sanitary bridges,”663

Position of platinum pins665

Construction of plaster core or index666

Firing porcelain to the facing666

Firing the pontic “shelf,”668

Second application and firing porcelain669

Shaping the pontic670

Beveling the and hollow grinding671

Waxing the lingual and occlusal contours672

Treatment of platinum pins673

Use of graphite points or metal pins673

Fitting casting to facing674

Treatment of the incisal edge675

Use of porcelain teeth for pontics677

Chapter 31 Gold alloys and soldering operations related to crown and fixed partial prosthodontics682

Principles of metallography as applied to dentis-try682

Space lattices682

Slip planes683

Pure metals684

Gold alloys685

Types of metal alloys685

Gold-copper alloy687

Specifications of alloys687

Classification of inlay casting golds688

Physical properties of alloys688

Gold alloys and their specifications689

Heat treatment691

Two methods of heat treatment691

Results of heat treatment692


Requisites of a solder692

Factors involved in successful soldering692

Use of flux and antiflux693

Position of parts to be soldered693

The soldering flame693

Results of excessive beat694

Position of invested crown or bridge695

Temperature of investment695

Excessive use of flux696

Location and amount of solder696

Procedures following the soldering operation696

Pickling and contamination696

Chapter 32 Assembling retainers and pontics utilizing connectors (nonrigid and rigid)699

The soldered connector699

Use of core or index700

Investing the bridge700

Preparing the bridge for soldering701

Uniting the parts of the bridge701

Trial in mouth701

Taking final impression702

Final soldering of bridge702

Cementing the bridge702

The broken-stress principle703

Nonrigid connector703

Nonprecision types of broken-stresses704

Precision types of broken-stress connectors711

Chapter 33 Installation,maintenance,and repair of crowns and fixed partial prostheses712

Testing the bridge before cementation712

Setting the bridge temporarily712

Preparing the abutment teeth713

Selection and mixing of cement713

Essentials of correct cementation713

Lubricating the bridge714

Difficulties in cementing crowns714

Cementing the crown or bridge715

Procedures following cementation715

Scope of maintenance716

Purpose of maintenance service716

Occurrence of changes717

Recording the oral and general health717

Roentgenographic data717

Recording method of tooth preparation718

Recording strength of bite720

Value of accurate records720

Time of subsequent examinations720

Constructing additional study casts721

Instruction in the care of the prosthesis721


Causes for removal of prostheses721

Removal and repair of gold crowns722

Repair of porcelain crowns723

Removal of crown with dowel723

Removal of dowel723

Removal of bridges724

Removing an all-porcelain bridge725

Removal of complete porcelain veneer crown726

Repair of crown or bridge facing726

Repairing long pin pontic; hydrocolloid technic727

Chapter 34 History and development of metal-ceramic fixed partial dentures (bridges) ; early types to present-day restorations733

Indications and contraindications for porcelain bridges734

Types and construction of porcelain bridges734

The all-porcelain bridge734

The metal reinforced bridge735

Chapter 35 Current dental restorations utilizing ceramics fired to gold-alloy castings (Thermalite,Micro-Bond,Ceramcoporcelains)757

Use of Thermalite 1750° F.porcelain and Ney-Oro P-16 casting gold757

Technic for constructing Micro-Bond Hi-Life res-torations763

Metal phase764


Investing and burnout (using Ceramigold in-vestment—Whip Mix Corp.)766


Preparation of metal for porcelain application768

Porcelain phase769

Trouble shooting771

Metal phase771

Porcelain pbase771

Ceramco technic773

Vacuum firing776

Completing the firing cycle for vacuum opaque777

Completing the firing cycle for vacuum gingival and incisal777


Chapter36 Alumina-reinforced ceramics780

Alumina-reinforced porcelains780

Formulation of aluminous porcelains781

Indications for use782

The atypical preparation783

Principles of esthetics783

Aluminous porcelain materials787

Construction of the aluminous complete porcelain veneer crown788

Technic for constructing low-fusing core porce-lain788

Cervical relief790

Vacuum-firing and air-firing technics790

Aluminous core porcelain—first firing793

Aluminous core porcelain—second firing793

Application of gingival and body veneer porce-lains793

Applications of enamel veneer porcelain794

Final characterization795

Aluminous porcelain intense color modifiers797

Contact area adjustment797

Grinding and staining797


The posterior aluminous porcelain crown798

Preformed high-alumina ceramic reinforcements799

Palatal reinforced crowns802

High-alumina curved strip (S.1)802


Chapter 37 Gnathologic procedures utilizing the Denar Model D4-A and pantograph806

Anterior and posterior control areas806

Articulator calibrations808

Horizontal reference plane809

Midsagittal reference plane809

Posterior control areas809

Anterior control area810

Posterior control adjustments810

Horizontal condylar guide adjustment: antero-posterior angle of the eminentia protrusive811

Immediate-side-shift adjustment811

Progressive-side-shift adjustment811

Sagittal displacement of the rotating condyle;backward and forward rear wall adjustment811

Lateral condylar path adjustment; lateral ad-justment orbiting path adjustment812

Custom-grinding inserts812

Anterior control adjustments813

Vertical dimension of incisal pin; incisal pin ad-justment813

Horizontal overjet adjustment; long centric ad-justment813

Protrusive inclination of the incisal table; angle of the incisal table anteroposteriorly; anterior vertical overbite adjustment813

Lateral wings of the incisal table; angle of the incisal table mediolaterally813

Initial reference813

Horizontal reference plane813

Anterior reference point813

Posterior reference points813


Reference plane location815

Clutch construction (registration tray)816

Dentulous patient816

Denar pantograph819

One-step transfer820

Systems approach821

Transferring the pantograph to the Denar D4-A articulator821

Face bow transfer824

Adjusting the D4-A articulator to the panto-graphic record825

Sequence of adjustments827

Reciprocal influence of adjustment828

Checkbite procedure829


Eccentric checkbite technic830

Chapter 38 Use of acrylic resins in crowns and xed partial dentures; early use of synthetic resins837

Early use of synthetic resins for crowns837

Types of synthetic resins837

Desirable physical properties of resins838


Methods of mixing monomer and polymer838

Closure of flask839

Methods of processing840

High heat method of processing840

Low heat method of processing843

Autopolymerization method (self-curing)844

Disadvantages of porosity844

Dimensional changes due to moisture844

Biologic compatibility of acrylic resins845

Cold flow of resins846

Indications for acrylic crowns846

Acrylic resin veneer crowns:the effect of tooth preparation on crown fabrication and future periodontal health847

Repair of crowns utilizing synthetic resins853

Repair of facings853

Disadvantages of acrylic crowns854

Early use of synthetic resins in fixed partial den-tures854

Indications for acrylic fixed partial dentures854

Advantages of acrylic fixed restorations854

Disadvantages of acrylic fixed partial dentures855

Types of acrylic fixed partial dentures855

Types of abutment preparations855


Chapter 39 Fundamental mechanics of fixed dental restorations; relation of mechanical forces to biologic reactions859



Resolution and composition of forces862

The couple and force transfer863

Moment of a force—center of gravity of parallel forces864

The laws of static equilibrium865

Applications of laws of equilibrium on posterior bicuspid866

Application of an eccentric occlusal load to the tooth871

Induced forces in the fundus872

The axial load effect872

Resisting forces due to a couple873

Effects of force upon material874

Types of stress875

Physical properties of materials876

Structural signifi ance of physical properties879


Beam reactions—the laws of static equilibrium881

Shear and bending moment in a beam882

Interrelationships between shear and bending moment883

Stresses in a beam due to bending moment884

Stresses in a circular bar subject to torque886

Moments,centers of gravity.and moments of inertia of areas886

Center of gravity890

Section modulus—computing stresses in a bridge891

Angular rotations of beam sections in terms of moment areas893

Deflections of beams in terms of moment areas895

Bending moment from a couple applied at the end of a beam896

Deflections of any span of any beam897

Deflections of beams due to bending in terms of maximum allowable unit stress898

Statically indeterminate beams899

The theorem of three moments900

Settlements of supports—indeterminate beams903

Beams of the anterior bridge type904

Tied-back abutments907

Chapter 40 Structural investigation and design of dental restorations (bridges) ;relationship of structural design to biologic acceptance910

Fundamental considerations910

Factors related to load-carrying capacity911

Beam types represented among dental bridges912

Comparative load-carrying characteristics of beam sections916

Investigation of the dental bridge919

Load at center of span919

Soldered joint 5-6920

Punching shear—joint 4-5920

Some considerations in designing a dental bridge921

Steps in the structural design of a dental bridge923

Design of a two-pontic bridge924

Punching shear at joint 5-4926

Design of a tbree-pontic upper bridge927

Design of an anterior bridge928

Moments at the left support928

At the mesial point (span center)929

At point A (connection to the abutments):3-2,2-3929

Transferring the bridge reaction to the abutment930

Chapter 41 Gothic arch tracings with Hanau adjustable articulator H2-XPR and face bow:separable registration trays and stone checkbites932

Technic of using gothic arch tracings with the Hanau adjustable articulator,model H2-XPR;the adjustable face bow and separable regis-tration trays (clutches )934

Registration trays (clutches)938

Investing and casting registration trays943

Placing the recording apparatus on the patient949

Face bow arms951

Setting the Hanau H2-XPR adjustable articula-tor to the face bow and stone checkbite reg-istrations965

Modeling compound zinc oxide-eugenol method of obtaining centric relation registration975

Analyzing positions of condylar spheres982
