
- 张继宗,舒永康著 著
- 出版社: 北京:科学出版社
- ISBN:9787030187567
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:237页
- 文件大小:47MB
- 文件页数:255页
- 主题词:骨骼测量-图谱
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第一部分 测量工具Tools for measurements图1-1 直脚规Sliding caliper 3
图1-2 弯脚规Spreading caliper 3
图1-3 直脚式三脚平行规Coordinate caliper Parallelometer 4
图1-4 弯脚式三脚平行规Coordinate caliper,Spreading parallelometer 4
图1-5 马丁测高仪Anthropometer 5
图1-6 两支弯脚Parts of anthropometer 5
图1-7 卷尺Plastic tape 6
图1-8 圆杆直脚规Rod compass 6
图1-9 圆杆弯脚规Rod spreading compass 7
图1-10 测齿规Sliding caliper with vernier 7
图1-11 摩立逊定颅器Mollison's eraniopher 8
图1-12 附着式量角器Attachable goniometer 8
图1-13 测腭器Palatometer 9
图1-14 测眶器Orbitometer 9
图1-15 测下颌骨器Mandibulometer 10
图1-16 立方定颅器Cubic craniophor 10
图1-17 水平定位仪Horizontal tracing needle 11
图1-18 马丁描骨器Diagraph 11
图1-19 托颅盘Skull bowl for cubic craniophor 12
图1-20 平行定点仪Parallelometer Parallelograph 12
图1-21 持骨器Bone clamp Bone support 13
图1-22 测骨盘Osteometric table Osteometric board 13
第二部分 颅骨测点The measurement point of skull图2-1 颅骨正面测点ⅠThe measurement points of skull,Anterior aspect Ⅰ 17
图2-2 颅骨正面测点ⅡThe measurement points of skull,Anterior aspect Ⅱ 17
图2-3 颅骨底面测点ⅠThe measurement points of skull,Inferior aspect Ⅰ 18
图2-4 颅骨底面测点ⅡThe measurement points of skull,Inferior aspect Ⅱ 18
图2-5 颅骨侧面测点The measurement points of skull,Lateral aspect 19
图2-6 颅骨背面测点The measurement points of skull,Posterior aspect 19
图2-7 颅骨顶面测点The measurement points of skull,Superior aspect 20
图2-8 下颌骨正面测点The measurement points of mandible Anterior aspect 20
图2-9 下颌骨侧面测点The measurement points of mandible Lateral aspect 21
第三部分 颅骨测量Craniometry图3-1 颅骨最大长的测量(后面观)Maximum cranial length posterior aspect 25
图3-2 颅骨最大长的测量(左侧观)Maximum cranial length left lateral aspect 25
图3-3 颅底长的测量Basi-nasal length Basis length 26
图3-4 枕骨大孔长的测量Foramen magnum length 26
图3-5 鼻棘下点至大孔前缘点长的测量Subspinale-endobasion length 27
图3-6 颅骨最大宽的测量Maximum cranial breadth 27
图3-7 额骨最小宽的测量Minimum frontal breadth 28
图3-8 额骨最大宽的测量Maximum frontal breadth 28
图3-9 冠颞点间宽的测量Stephanienbreite 29
图3-10 耳点间宽的测量Biauricular breadth 29
图3-11 枕骨最大宽的测量Maximum occipital breadth 30
图3-12 乳突间宽的测量Bimastoidal breadth 30
图3-13 颅骨最小宽的测量Minimum cranial breadth 31
图3-14 枕骨大孔宽的测量Foramen magnum breadth 31
图3-15 枕骨底部宽的测量Breite der pars basialis hinterhauptsbeins 32
图3-16 蝶点间宽的测量Bisphenion breadth 32
图3-17 上面宽的测量Upper facial breadth 33
图3-18 两眶内宽的测量Innare biorbital breite 33
图3-19 面宽的测量Bizygomatic breadth 34
图3-20 中面宽Ⅰ的测量Middle facial breadth Ⅰ,zm-zm 34
图3-21 中面宽Ⅱ的测量Middle facial breadth Ⅱ,zm1-zm1 35
图3-22 中眶间宽的测量Middle orbital width,or-or 35
图3-23 鼻根点至两眶内宽之矢高的测量Subtense,fmo-fmo 36
图3-24 鼻尖点之中眶间宽之矢高的测量Subtense,MOW 36
图3-25 颧上颌高或上齿槽点至中面宽之矢高的测量Subtense,GB 37
图3-26 鼻棘下点至颧颌前点连线之矢高的测量Subtense,zm1-zm1 37
图3-27 颅高的测量Basi-bregmatic height 38
图3-28 颅底点至颅顶点高的测量Vertex-basion line 38
图3-29 耳上颅高的测量Auricular height 39
图3-30 前囟点至左右耳门上点连线高的测量Auriculo-bregmatic height 39
图3-31 全面高的测量Morphological facial height,n-gn 40
图3-32 上面高的测量Upper facial height,n-sd 40
图3-33 上齿槽突高的测量Process alveolaris height 41
图3-34 眶宽Ⅰ的测量Orbital breadth Ⅰ,mf-ec 41
图3-35 眶宽Ⅱ的测量Orbital breadth Ⅱ,d-ec 42
图3-36 眶高Ⅰ的测量Orbital height Ⅰ,Maximum height 42
图3-37 眶高Ⅱ的测量Orbital height Ⅱ,1/2 orbital breadth 43
图3-38 两眶宽的测量Biorbital breadth 43
图3-39 后眶间宽的测量Posterior biorbital breadth,la-la 44
图3-40 眶间宽Ⅰ的测量Inter-orbital breadth Ⅰ,d-d 44
图3-41 眶间宽Ⅱ的测量Inter-orbital breadth Ⅱ,mf-mf 45
图3-42 鼻梁至眶间宽之矢高的测量Subtense,d-d 45
图3-43 眶深的测量Orbital depth 46
图3-44 鼻梁至前眶间宽之矢高的测量Subtense,mf-mf 46
图3-45 犬齿窝深的测量Fossa canina depth 47
图3-46 鼻宽的测量Nasal breadth 47
图3-47 鼻高的测量Nasal height,n-ns 48
图3-48 鼻骨最小宽的测量Simotic chord,sc 48
图3-49 鼻骨最小高的测量Simotic subtense,ss 49
图3-50 上颌齿槽弓长的测量Maxillo-alveolar length,pr-alv 49
图3-51 上颌齿槽弓宽的测量Maxillo-alveolar breadth 50
图3-52 腭长的测量Palatal length,ol-sta 50
图3-53 腭宽的测量Palatal breadth,enm-enm 51
图3-54 腭高或腭深的测量Palatal height 51
图3-55 下颌髁突间宽的测量Bicondylar breadth 52
图3-56 喙突间宽的测量Bicoroniod breadth 52
图3-57 下颌角间宽的测量Bigonial breadth 53
图3-58 颏孔间宽的测量Bimental foramen breadth 53
图3-59 下颌体长的测量Length of mandibular body 54
图3-60 颏前点至下颌髁突最向后点之间的投影距离的测量Subtense,The middle point of edl-edl and pogonion(pg) 54
图3-61 下颌联合高的测量Height of mandibular symphysis 55
图3-62 下颌体高Ⅰ的测量Height of mandibular body Ⅰ 55
图3-63 下颌体高Ⅱ的测量Height of mandibular body Ⅱ 56
图3-64 下颌体厚Ⅰ的测量Thickness of mandibular body Ⅰ 56
图3-65 下颌体厚Ⅱ的测量Thickness of mandibular body Ⅱ 57
图3-66 下颌支高的测量Height of mandibular ramus 57
图3-67 下颌喙突高的测量Height of coronoid process 58
图3-68 下颌支宽Ⅰ的测量Breadth of mandibular ramus Ⅰ 58
图3-69 下颌支最小高的测量Height of mandibular notch 59
图3-70 下颌支宽Ⅱ的测量Breadth of mandibular ramus Ⅱ 59
图3-71 下颌支最小宽的测量Minimum breadth of mandibular ramus 60
图3-72 下颌切迹宽的测量Breadth of incisura mandibulae 60
图3-73 下颌切迹深的测量Depth of incisura mandibulae 61
图3-74 下颌骨弧的测量Arc of mandibular bone 61
图3-75 下颌联合弧的测量Arc of mandibular symphysis 62
图3-76 颏孔间弧的测量Bimental bogen 62
图3-77 下颌角的测量Mandibular angle 63
图3-78 上颌齿弓长的测量Zahnbogenl?nge des oberkiefers 63
图3-79 下颌齿弓长的测量Zahnbogenl?nge des unterkiefers 64
图3-80 上颌齿弓宽的测量Zahnbogenbreite des oberkiefers 64
图3-81 下颌齿弓宽的测量Zahnbogenbreite des unterkiefers 65
图3-82 上颌颊齿长的测量Dentall?nge des oberkiefers 65
图3-83 上颌臼齿列长的测量Molarenl?nge des oberkiefers 66
图3-84 下颌臼齿列长的测量Molarenl?nge des unterkeifers 66
图3-85 颅周长的测量Cranial horizontal ci rcumference 67
图3-86 颅骨横弧的测量Cranial transverse arc,Guriculo-bregmatic arc 67
图3-87 颅骨矢状弧的测量Cranial sagittal arc 68
图3-88 额骨矢状弧的测量Frontal arc 68
图3-89 顶骨矢状弧的测量Parietal arc 69
图3-90 枕骨矢状弧的测量Occipital arc 69
图3-91 枕鳞上部矢状弧的测量Arc e-i 70
图3-92 枕鳞下部矢状弧的测量Arc i-o 70
图3-93 额骨矢状弦的测量Frontal chord 71
图3-94 顶骨矢状弦的测量Parietal chord 71
图3-95 枕骨矢状弦的测量Occipital chord 72
图3-96 枕鳞上部矢状弦的测量Superior occipital chord l-i 72
图3-97 枕鳞下部矢状弦的测量Inferior occipital chord i-o 73
图3-98 额骨曲高的测量Frontal subtense 73
图3-99 顶骨曲高的测量Parietal subtense 74
图3-100 枕骨曲高的测量Occipital subtense 74
图3-101 额侧面角的测量Profile angle of frontal bone from nasion 75
图3-102 额骨下部倾角的测量Incl ination angle of lower part of fronta squama m-g-i 75
图3-103 前囟角Ⅰ的测量Bregmatic angle from glabella Ⅰ 76
图3-104 前囟角Ⅱ的测量Bregmatic angle from nasion Ⅱ 76
图3-105 枕角的测量Occipital angle 77
图3-106 人字点-枕外隆凸点角的测量Lambda-inion angle 77
图3-107 大孔后缘点-枕外隆凸点角的测量Opisthion-inion angle 78
图3-108 枕骨大孔倾角的测量Neigungswinkel des foramen magnum 78
图3-109 总面角的测量Total facial angle 79
图3-110 中面角Ⅰ的测量Nasal prognathism Ⅰ 79
图3-111 中面角Ⅱ的测量Nasal prognathism Ⅱ 80
图3-112 齿槽面角Ⅰ的测量Alveolar prognathism Ⅰ 80
图3-113 齿槽面角Ⅱ的测量Alveolar prognathism Ⅱ 81
图3-114 鼻梁侧角的测量Profilwinkel des nasendaches 81
图3-115 下颌侧面角Ⅰ的测量Profilwinkel des unterkiefers Ⅰ 82
图3-116 下颌侧面角Ⅱ的测量Profilwinkel des unterkiefers Ⅱ 82
图3-117 下颌侧面角Ⅲ的测量Profilwinkel des unterkiefers Ⅲ 83
第四部分 脊柱和上肢骨的测量The measurements of vertebral column and upper limb图4-1 寰椎矢状径的测量Antero-posterior diameter of atlas 87
图4-2 寰椎全宽的测量Total transverse diameter of atlas 87
图4-3 寰椎椎孔矢状径的测量Antero-posterior diameter of vertebral for-amen of atlas 88
图4-4 寰椎椎孔横径的测量Maximum transverse diameter of vertebral foramen of atlas 88
图4-5 枢椎齿突高的测量Height of odontoid process of axis 89
图4-6 枢椎全高的测量Total height of axis 89
图4-7 枢椎椎体高的测量Height of vertebral body of axis 90
图4-8 枢椎椎孔矢状径的测量Antero-posterior diameter of vertebral for-amen of axis 90
图4-9 枢椎椎孔横径的测量Maximum transverse diameter of vertebral foramen of axis 91
图4-10 枢椎矢状径的测量Antero-posterior diameter of axis 91
图4-11 枢椎全宽的测量Total transverse diameter of axis 92
图4-12 椎体前高的测量Anterior height of vertebral body 92
图4-13 椎体后高的测量Posterior height of vertebral body 93
图4-14 椎体中心高的测量Middle height of vertebral body 93
图4-15 椎体上矢状径的测量Upper antero-posterior diameter of vertebral body 94
图4-16 椎体下矢状径的测量Lower antero-Posterior diameter of vertebral body 94
图4-17 椎体中部矢状径的测量Middle antero-Posterior diameter of verte-bral body 95
图4-18 椎体上部横径的测量Upper transverse diameter of vertebral body 95
图4-19 椎体下部横径的测量Lower transverse diameter of vertebral body 96
图4-20 椎体中部横径的测量Middle transverse diameter of vertebral body 96
图4-21 椎孔矢状径的测量Antero-posterior diameter of vertebral foramen 97
图4-22 椎孔横径的测量Transverse diameter of vertebral foramen 97
图4-23 棘突上缘倾角的测量Kranialer neigungswinkel der dornfortsatze der vertebra 98
图4-24 棘突下缘倾角的测量Kaudaler neigungswinkel der dornfortsatze der vertebra 98
图4-25 骶骨弧的测量Mid-ventral curved length of sacrum 99
图4-26 骶骨前弦长的测量Mid-ventral straight length of sacrum 99
图4-27 骶骨上部弧的测量Upper curved length of sacrum 100
图4-28 骶骨最大宽的测量Maximum breadth of sacrum 100
图4-29 骶骨弧高的测量Maximum arch height of sacrum 101
图4-30 骶骨中部弧的测量Middle curved length of sacrum 101
图4-31 骶骨中部宽的测量Middle breadth of sacrum 102
图4-32 骶骨翼长的测量Length of ala of sacrum 102
图4-33 骶骨上面宽的测量Upper breadth of sacrum 103
图4-34 骶骨上面后宽的测量Posterior upper breadth of sacrum 103
图4-35 骶骨耳状面长的测量Length of facies auricularis of sacrum 104
图4-36 骶骨耳状面宽的测量Breadth of facies auricularis of sacrum 104
图4-37 骶管上口矢状径的测量Upper antero-Posterior diameter of sacral canal 105
图4-38 骶管上口横径的测量Upper transverse diameter of sacral canal 105
图4-39 骶骨底正中矢状径的测量Sagittal diameter of sacral basis 106
图4-40 骶骨底横径的测量Transverse diameter of sacral basis 106
图4-41 骶前孔间宽的测量Breadth of anterior sacral formaina 107
图4-42 骶骨岬角的测量Promontary angle of sacrum 107
图4-43 胸骨全长的测量Total length of sternum 108
图4-44 胸骨柄长的测量Length of sternal manubrium 108
图4-45 胸骨体长的测量Length of sternal body 109
图4-46 胸骨柄最大宽的测量Maximum breadth of sternal manubrium 109
图4-47 胸骨柄最小宽的测量Minimum breadth of sternal manubrium 110
图4-48 胸骨体最大宽的测量Maximum breadth of sternal body 110
图4-49 胸骨柄最大厚的测量Maximum thickness of sternal manubrium 111
图4-50 胸骨体最大厚的测量Maximum thickness of sternal body 111
图4-51 肋骨最大宽的测量Maximum breadth of rib 112
图4-52 肋骨厚的测量Thickness of rib body 112
图4-53 肋骨弧的测量Arc length of rib 113
图4-54 肋骨弦的测量Maximum antero-Posterior diameter of rib 113
图4-55 锁骨最大长的测量Maximum length of clavicle 114
图4-56 锁骨骨干曲度高Ⅰ的测量H?he der diaphysenkrümmung der clavicula Ⅰ 114
图4-57 锁骨骨干曲度高Ⅱ的测量H?he der diaphysenkrümmung der clavicula Ⅱ 115
图4-58 锁骨干弦长的测量L?nge der sehne der diaphysen 115
图4-59 锁骨骨干中部高的测量Height of clavicle at mid-point 116
图4-60 锁骨骨干中部矢状径的测量Sagittal diameter of clavicle at midpoint 116
图4-61 锁骨骨干中部周的测量Ci rcumference of clavicle at mid-point 117
图4-62 锁骨骨干最小宽的测量Minimum width of clavicle 117
图4-63 肩胛骨形态宽的测量Morphological breadth of scapu la 118
图4-64 肩胛骨形态长的测量Morphological length of scapula 118
图4-65 肩胛骨长的测量Length of scapula 119
图4-66 肩胛骨腋缘长的测量Length of margo axillaris of scapula 119
图4-67 肩胛骨上缘长的测量Length of margo superior of scapula 120
图4-68 冈下窝高的测量Breadth of infraspinous fossa 120
图4-69 冈上窝高的测量Breadth of supraspinous fossa 121
图4-70 肩胛冈长的测量Length of scapular spine 121
图4-71 肩胛冈根部长的测量Length of basis spine 122
图4-72 肩峰宽的测量Breadth of acromion 122
图4-73 肩峰长的测量Length of acromion 123
图4-74 喙突长的测量Length of coracoid process 123
图4-75 关节盂长的测量Length of glaniod cavity of scapula 124
图4-76 关节盂宽的测量Breadth of glaniod cavity of scapula 124
图4-77 关节盂深的测量Depth of glaniod cavity of scapula 125
图4-78 肱骨最大长的测量Maximum Length of humerus 125
图4-79 肱骨全长的测量All Length of humerus 126
图4-80 肱骨上端宽的测量Breadth of proximal epiPhysis of humerus 126
图4-81 肱骨下端宽的测量Breadth of distal epiPhysis of humerus 127
图4-82 肱骨骨干中部最大径的测量Maximum diameter of humerus at middle 127
图4-83 肱骨骨干中部最小径的测量Minimum diameter of humerus at middle 128
图4-84 肱骨骨干中部模径的测量Transverse diameter of shaft of humerus at middle 128
图4-85 肱骨骨干中部矢状径的测量Sagittal diameter of shaft of humerus at middle 129
图4-86 肱骨骨干最小周的测量Least circumference of diaphysis of humerus 129
图4-87 肱骨骨干中部周的测量Circumference of diaphysis of humerus at middle 130
图4-88 肱骨头周的测量Circumference of head of humerus 130
图4-89 肱骨头横径的测量Maximum transverse diameter of head of humerus 131
图4-90 肱骨头纵径的测量Maximum sagittal diameter of head of humerus 131
图4-91 肱骨滑车宽的测量Breadth of trochlea of humerus 132
图4-92 肱骨滑车和小头宽的测量Breadth of capitulum and trochlea of humerus 132
图4-93 肱骨滑车矢状径的测量Sagittal diameter of trochlea of humerus 133
图4-94 鹰嘴窝宽的测量Breadth of olecranon fossa of humerus 133
图4-95 鹰嘴窝深的测量Depth of olecranon fossa of humerus 134
图4-96 肱骨髁干角的测量Condylo-diaphyseal angle of humerus 134
图4-97 肱骨头干角的测量Capito-diaphyseal angle of humerus 135
图4-98 肱骨扭转角的测量Angle of torsion of humerus 135
图4-99 桡骨生理长的测量Physiological length of radius 136
图4-100 桡骨最大长的测量Maximum length of radius 136
图4-101 桡骨骨干最小周的测量Least circumference of distal half of radius 137
图4-102 桡骨骨干横径的测量Transverse diameter of shaft of radius 137
图4-103 桡骨骨干矢状径的测量Sagittal diameter of shaft of radius 138
图4-104 桡骨骨干中部横径的测量Transverse diameter of shaft of radius at middle 138
图4-105 桡骨骨干中部矢状径的测量Sagittal diameter of shaft of radius at middle 139
图4-106 桡骨小头横径的测量Transverse diameter of capitulum of radius 139
图4-107 桡骨小头矢状径的测量Sagittal diameter of capitulum of radius 140
图4-108 桡骨颈横径的测量Transverse diameter of Reck of radius 140
图4-109 桡骨颈矢状径的测量Sagittal diameter of neck of radius 141
图4-110 桡骨颈周的测量Circumference of neck of radius 141
图4-111 桡骨骨干中部周的测量Circumference of shaft of radius 142
图4-112 桡骨下端宽的测量Breadth of distal epiphysis of radius 142
图4-113 桡骨颈干角的测量Collo-diaphyseal angle of radius 143
图4-114 尺骨最大长的测量Maximum length of ulna 143
图4-115 尺骨生理长的测量Physiological length of ulna 144
图4-116 鹰嘴小头长的测量Length of olecranon and head of ulna 144
图4-117 尺骨骨干最小周的测量Least circumference of shaft of ulna 145
图4-118 尺骨骨干矢状径的测量Sagittal diameter of shaft of ulna at the upper third 145
图4-119 尺骨骨干横径的测量Transverse diameter of shaft of ulna at the upper third 146
图4-120 尺骨上部横径的测量Superior transverse diameter of ulna 146
图4-121 尺骨上部矢状径的测量Superior sagittal diameter of ulna 147
图4-122 鹰嘴宽的测量Breadth of olecranon 147
图4-123 鹰嘴深的测量Depth of olecranon 148
图4-124 鹰嘴高的测量Height of olecranon 148
图4-125 鹰嘴-冠突间距的测量Length of olecranon-coronoid process of ulna 149
图4-126 尺骨冠突上关节面桡侧部前宽的测量Anterior breadth of radial notch and coronoid process of Ulna 149
图4-127 尺骨冠突上关节面桡侧部后宽的测量Posterior breadth of radial notch and coronoid process of Ulna 150
图4-128 肘关节轴角的测量(同尺骨角)Ulnar-winkel 150
图4-129 手舟骨最大长的测量Maximum length of scaphoid bone 151
图4-130 手舟骨最大高的测量Maximum height of scaphoid bone 151
图4-131 手舟骨最大宽的测量Maximum breadth of scaphoid bone 152
图4-132 月骨长的测量Length of lunate bone 152
图4-133 月骨最大宽的测量Maximum breadth of lunate bone 153
图4-134 月骨最大高的测量Maximum height of lunate bone 153
图4-135 大多角骨最大长的测量Maximum length of trapezium bone 154
图4-136 大多角骨最大宽的测量Maximum breadth of trapezium bone 154
图4-137 大多角骨最大高的测量Maximum height of trapezium bone 155
图4-138 掌骨长的测量Length of metacarpal bone 155
图4-139 指骨长的测量Length of phalanx 156
第五部分 骨盆、髋骨和游离下肢骨的测量The measurements of pelvis,os coxae and lower limb图5-1 骨盆最大高的测量Maximum height of pelvis 159
图5-2 骨盆最大宽的测量Maximum breadth of pelvis 159
图5-3 骨盆外矢状径的测量External conjugate diameter of pelvis 160
图5-4 髋骨最大宽的测量Maximum breadth of os coxae 160
图5-5 髂前上棘间宽的测量Interspinous diameter of anterior superior iliac spine 161
图5-6 髂前下棘间宽的测量Interspinous diameter of ante rior inferior iliac spine 161
图5-7 髂后上棘间宽的测量Interspinous diameter of posterior superior iliac spine 162
图5-8髂后下棘间宽的测量Interspinous diameter of poste rior inferior iliac spine 162
图5-9 髋臼间宽的测量Breadth of left and right acetabular center 163
图5-10 坐骨棘间宽的测量Breadth of left and right ischial spine 163
图5-11 髂骨高的测量Height of ilium 164
图5-12 髂翼高的测量Height of ala of ilium 164
图5-13 髂窝深的测量Depth of iliac fossa 165
图5-14 髂骨宽的测量Breadth of ilium 165
图5-15 髂骨最小宽的测量Minimum breadth of ilium 166
图5-16 髂翼宽的测量Breadth of ala of ilium 166
图5-17 髋臼耻联宽的测量Breadth of acetabular fossa and symphysial surface 167
图5-18 最大坐耻径的测量Maximum ischio-pubic diameter 167
图5-19 坐骨长Ⅰ的测量Ischium length Ⅰ 168
图5-20 坐骨长Ⅱ的测量Ischium length Ⅱ 168
图5-21 坐骨长Ⅲ的测量Ischium length Ⅲ 169
图5-22 耻骨长Ⅰ的测量Pubis length Ⅰ 169
图5-23 耻骨长Ⅱ的测量Pubis length Ⅱ 170
图5-24 耻骨长Ⅲ的测量Pubis length Ⅲ 170
图5-25 耻骨联合高的测量Height of pubic symphysis 171
图5-26 闭孔长的测量Length of obturator foramen 171
图5-27 闭孔宽的测量Breadth of obturator foramen 172
图5-28 髋臼最大径的测量Maximum diameter of acetabulum 172
图5-29 耳状面最大长的测量Maximum length of auricular surface 173
图5-30 骨盆入口矢状径的测量Diameter of obstetric conjugata 173
图5-31 骨盆中矢状径的测量Normal-conjugata 174
图5-32 骨盆下矢状径的测量Unterer sagittaler durehmesser des kleinen Beckens 174
图5-33 骨盆入口横径的测量Querdurchmesser des beckeneinganges 175
图5-34 骨盆入口斜径的测量Schrager durechmesser des beckene inganges 175
图5-35 骨盆下骶耻径的测量Sagittaler durechmesser des beckenenge 176
图5-36 骨盆出口横径的测量Querdurchmesser des beckenausganges 176
图5-37 小骨盆侧高的测量Seitliche H?he des kleinen beckens 177
图5-38 小骨盆前高的测量Vordere H?he des kleinen beckens 177
图5-39 坐骨大切迹宽的测量Breadth of greater sciatic notch 178
图5-40 坐骨大切迹深的测量Depth of greater sciatic notch 178
图5-41 耻骨下角的测量Sub-pubic angle 179
图5-42 骨盆倾角的测量Inclination angle of pelvis 179
图5-43 骶骨倾角的测量Sakralneigungswinkel 180
图5-44 股骨最大长的测量Maximum length of femur 180
图5-45 股骨全长的测量Bicondylar length of femUr 181
图5-46 股骨转子内髁长的测量Length of trochanter and medial condyle 181
图5-47 股骨转子全长的测量Trochanterlange in sogenannter naturlicher stellung 182
图5-48 股骨转子外髁长的测量Trochanter-lateral condyle length 182
图5-49 股骨骨干长的测量Length of shaft of femur 183
图5-50 股骨骨干中部矢状径的测量Antero-posterior diameter of femur at middle 183
图5-51 股骨骨干中部横径的测量Transverse diameter of femru at middle 184
图5-52 股骨骨干中部周的测量Circumference of femoral shaft at middle 184
图5-53 股骨骨干上部横径的测量Maximum transverse diameter of subtro-chanteric flattening of femur 185
图5-54 股骨骨干上部矢状径的测量Antero-posterior diameter of subtro-chanteric flattening of femur 185
图5-55 股骨骨干下部最小矢状径的测量Minimum anter-posterior diem-eter of inferior shaft of femur 186
图5-56 股骨骨干下部横径的测量Transverse diameter of inferior shaft of femur 186
图5-57 股骨上端宽的测量Superior breadth of shaft of femur 187
图5-58 股骨颈头前长的测量Vordere collum-und caputl?nge des femur 187
图5-59 股骨头垂直径的测量Vertical diameter of femoral head 188
图5-60 股骨头矢状径的测量Antero-posterior diameter of femoral head 188
图5-61 股骨头周的测量Circumference of femoral head 189
图5-62 股骨颈垂直径的测量Vertical diameter of neck of femur 189
图5-63 股骨颈矢状径的测量Anterior-posterior diameter of neck of femUr 190
图5-64 股骨颈周的测量Circumference of neck of femur 190
图5-65 股骨上髁宽的测量Epicondylar breadth of femur 191
图5-66 股骨外侧髁长的测量Length of lateral condyle of femur 191
图5-67 股骨内侧髁长的测量Length of medial condyle of femur 192
图5-68 股骨外侧髁高的测量Height of lateral condyle of femur 192
图5-69 股骨内侧髁高的测量Height of medial condyle of femur 193
图5-70 股骨骨干弦长的测量Chord of shaft of femur 193
图5-71 股骨颈干角的测量Collo-diaphyseal angle of femur 194
图5-72 股骨髁干角的测量Condyto-diaphyseal angle of femur 194
图5-73 股骨扭转角的测量Angle of torsion of femur 195
图5-74 髌骨最大高的测量Maximum height of patel la 195
图5-75 髌骨最大宽的测量Maximum breadth of patella 196
图5-76 髌骨最大厚的测量Maximum thickness of patella 196
图5-77 髌骨关节面高的测量Height of anticula surface of patella 197
图5-78 髌骨内侧关节面宽的测量Breadth of medial anticular surface of patella 197
图5-79 髌骨外侧关节面宽的测量Breadth of lateral anticular surface of patella 198
图5-80 胫骨最大长的测量Maximum length of tibia 198
图5-81 胫骨全长的测量Length of lateral condyle and medial mal leolus of tibia 199
图5-82 胫骨长的测量Length of medial condyle and medial malleolus of tibia 199
图5-83 胫骨生理长的测量Physiological length of tibia 200
图5-84 胫骨髁踝长的测量Condylo-malleolar length of tibia 200
图5-85 胫骨上端宽的测量Proximal epiphyseal breadth of tibia 201
图5-86 胫骨上内侧关节面宽的测量Breadth of superior medial anticular surface of tibia 201
图5-87 胫骨上外侧关节面宽的测量Breadth of superior lateral anticular surface of tibia 202
图5-88 胫骨上内侧关节面矢状径的测量Anterior-posterior diameter of superior medial anticular surface of tibia 202
图5-89 胫骨上外侧关节面矢状径的测量Anterior-posterior diameter of superior lateral anticular surface of tibia 203
图5-90 胫骨粗隆处最大矢状径的测量Maximun anterior-posterior diam-eter of tuberosity of tibia 203
图5-91 胫骨粗隆处横径的测量Maximun transverse diameter of tuberosity of tibia 204
图5-92 胫骨中部最大径的测量Maximum diameter of tibia at middle 204
图5-93 胫骨中部横径的测量Transverse diameter of tibia at middle 205
图5-94 胫骨骨干中部周的测量Circumference of tibia at middle 205
图5-95 胫骨骨干最小周的测量Least Circumference of tibia shaft 206
图5-96 滋养孔处横径的测量Transverse diameter of tibia at level of nutrient foramen 206
图5-97 滋养孔处矢状径的测量Anterior-posterior diameter of tibia at level of nutrient foramen 207
图5-98 胫骨下端宽的测量Breadth of distal epiphysis of tibia 207
图5-99 胫骨下端矢状径的测量Anterior-posterior diameter of distal epi-physis of tibia 208
图5-100 胫骨骨干弦长的测量L?nge der Schaftsehne der tibia 208
图5-101 胫骨骨干曲度高的测量H?he der schaftkrümmung der tibia 209
图5-102 胫骨后倾角的测量Retroversionswinkel der tibia 209
图5-103 胫骨倾斜角的测量lnklinationswinkel der tibia 210
图5-104 胫骨扭转角的测量Angle of torsion of tibia 210
图5-105 腓骨最大长的测量Maximum length of fibula 211
图5-106 腓骨小头外踝长的测量Length of apex of fibular head and lateral malleolar fossa 211
图5-107 腓骨中部最大径的测量Maximum diameter of fibula at middle 212
图5-108 腓骨中部最小径的测量Minimum diameter of fibula at middle 212
图5-109 腓骨骨干中部周的测量Circumference diameter of fibula at middle 213
图5-110 腓骨上端宽的测量Superior breadth of fibula 213
图5-111 腓骨下端宽的测量Inferior breadth of fibula 214
图5-112 跟骨最大长的测量Maximum length of calcaneus 214
图5-113 跟骨全长的测量Ganze l?nge des caleaneus 215
图5-114 跟骨中部宽的测量Mittlere breite des caleaneus 215
图5-115 跟骨最小宽的测量Kleinste Breite des corpus caleanei 216
图5-116 跟骨高的测量H?he des caleaneus 216
图5-117 跟骨最小高的测量Minimum height of calcaneus 217
图5-118 跟骨后距关节面偏转角的测量Ablenkungswinkel der facies articularis dorsal is calcanei 217
图5-119 距骨长的测量Length of talus 218
图5-120 距骨宽的测量Projected breadth of talus 218
图5-121 距骨高的测量Mid-trochlear height of talus 219
图5-122 后跟关节面偏转角的测量Ablenkungswinkel der facies articularis calcanea dorsalis des talus 219
图5-123 距骨颈偏转角的测量Ablenkungswinkel des collum tali 220
图5-124 距骨头扭转角的测量Torsionswinkel des caput tali 220
图5-125 足舟骨宽的测量Breadth of navicular bone 221
图5-126 足舟骨高的测量Height of navicular bone 221
图5-127 足舟骨最大前后径的测量Maximun anterior-posterior diameter of navicular bone 222
图5-128 骰骨内侧长的测量Medial length of cuboid bone 222
图5-129 骰骨外侧长的测量Lateral length of cuboid bone 223
图5-130 第一跖骨长的测量Length of 1st metatarsal bone 223
图5-131 (第二至第五)跖骨长的测量Length of 2nd-5th metatarsal bone 224
图5-132 跖骨体宽的测量Breadth of shaft of metatarsal bone 224
图5-133 跖骨体高的测量Height of metatarsal bone 225
图5-134 趾骨长的测量Length of phalanx 225
图5-135 趾骨宽的测量Breadth of phalanx 226
图5-136 趾骨体高的测量Height of shaft of phalanx 226
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